UNISON Scotland & the General Election

Mike Kirby, Scottish Secretary: ‘During the election campaign we will strive to keep UNISON policies and objectives fore and centre of the political debate. UNISON priorities of an end to Tory austerity, fair employment and trade union rights, pay and public services… by challenging all political parties on what they will do for our people.’

Four months of potential political campaigning awayRead more…

#Show the love… Ask First Minister to act on climate change

Love is in the air this week…love for everything that climate change threatens.

And Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) is asking us all to tell First Minister Nicola Sturgeon that we believe a new global climate deal must be agreed at United Nations talks in Paris in December this year.

In the new Show the Love campaign, members and supporters of SCCS members across Scotland, includingRead more…