Our Ref: BR2/150021st July 2015 Dear Colleague RESTRUCTURING, STATION STAFF – SOUTH WEST TRAINS For some considerable time your Senior Union Representatives have been seeking a commitment from South West Trains to…Read more…
To advise further on the above, a questionnaire was sent out to all un-restructured members for completion. It was raised with me that some members received this questionnaire by post and some by e-mail.
I have today spoken with RM…Read more…
When life beyond work ceases to exist
The number of people on zero-hours contracts, in which workers are not guaranteed any hours of work, is notoriously difficult to calculate. While the scale of the zero-hours epidemic is not…Read more…
Turkish crack down on “terror” leads to raids on teachers’ union
Statement released by Turkish union teachers’ union Eğitim-Sen after police raids: “We have acted in solidarity with the refugees from Syria, particularly the children, visiting refugee camps and…Read more…
‘Bleeding’ us dry
‘Vampire’ Sajid Javid comes from the working class so why is he bleeding us of all our rights? Sajid Javid is the son of a bus driver who sits at the Cabinet table, the proud embodiment of the…Read more…
“LOBOs and the confessions of an ex-auditor”
Check out this article in the local government finance online site “Room 151”. Former auditor, Stephen Sheen, looks critically at the decision making process that resulted in Councils taking out LOBOs (Lender Option; Borrower Option) in the first place…Read more…
Fossils are go! as Labour hopefuls miss Osborne’s energy omnishambles
Business Green argues today that the government is pushing through without an effective response from Labour’s leadership hopefuls a new energy policy with renewables shoved to the margins. But across the Pond, Hillary Clinton’s pledge to install half a billion solar panels and generate enough…Read more…
All the fun of the Fest
Catch all the highlights from Saturday’s (July 26) Southampton Left Fest below
The post All the fun of the Fest appeared first on UNITElive.org.Read more…
TUC: Employers in denial about pregnancy discrimination:
New report shows many employers are in denial about pregnancy discrimination, says TUC Commenting on today’s (Friday) report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, which shows that one in nine…Read more…
Just the tip of the iceberg?
‘Blacklisting’ in the construction industry must be investigated by the public inquiry into undercover policing in England and Wales, Unite said today (Tuesday, July 28). Unite said that there…Read more…
“Want work” levels and women’s labour market participation
Women Want Work is a new TUC briefing that argues that the official unemployment figures under-state the jobs shortage; in particular they minimise the number of women who aren’t in employment but ideally would like a paid job. This is because of the way unemployment is defined for the…Read more…
Left fest forward!
Saturday in Southampton (July 26) was a day of music, comedy, free food and, yes, politics. Hundreds of people from Hampshire and beyond poured into a packed church hall to enjoy the port…Read more…
US communication workers resist Verizon assault
39,000 workers on the East Coast set to strike on 1 August as contract expires without agreement.Read more…
Do schools really fail to prepare pupils for the world of work?
Anne Heavey is an Education Policy Adviser at ATL. Every week we see headlines decrying the crisis of skills teaching in our schools, the gist: our schools fail to prepare our children for the world…Read more…
A 1215-style fight for our rights
“Depressingly ideological and completely unnecessary” – one view the view of the Trade Union Bill rushed out by the Tory government. It wasn’t me who said that, nor any of my union colleagues…Read more…
What will the Tory Trade Union Bill mean for YOU?
Headlines on the new Trade Union Bill and subsequent blog postings have concentrated on the threat to strike action, through the new thresholds on ballots, and on the new laws regarding picketing and…Read more…
Stop the election, the ‘wrong’ candidate may win!
Democracy is all well and good but when the ‘wrong’ person is in danger of winning you have to draw the line somewhere. That staunch democrat, Labour MP John Mann has called on Harriet Harman to ‘halt the contest’. The election is apparently “out of the control” and at risk…Read more…
Revival in GDP quarterly growth figure disguises increased imbalances
GDP quarterly growth was back up to 0.7% in 2015 Q2 from 0.4% in Q1, and was in-line with market expectations. The main reasons for the revival in growth were a surge in energy extraction and use and a rebound in service activity. Acting in the opposite direction was the first fall in manufacturing…Read more…
Jeremy Corbyn sends message of solidarity to Barnet UNISON members
read moreRead more…
Places available on TU courses coming up
Apply now via your branch for the following courses that still have places.
· Organising Stewards – Dundee – 25-26 August (part 1) and 13-15 October (part 2)
· Union Learning Reps (ULR) – Glasgow – 31 August – 2 September
· Developing Representation Skills – Edinburgh – 2-3 September
Applicants must have completed Organising Stewards and Further Representation Skills toRead more…