Neo Nazis have plastered lampposts in Hull with far right stickers, in the latest in a number of racist incidents across Britain since the EU referendum. The stickers, which despite being…Read more…
NEC by-election result for Wales female seat
Angela Roberts has been elected to the UNISON national executive council and takes office immediately
The article NEC by-election result for Wales female seat first appeared on the UNISON National…Read more…
Service group executive by-elections
By-elections are to be held for vacant seats on all seven of the union’s service group executives, with nominations opening on 6 September
The article Service group executive by-elections first…Read more…
NHS: Sustainability and Transformation Plans:
IN DEPTH, NHS FUNDING, NHS PRIVATISATION 5 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT STP 28/08/2016 NHASPACE The Sustainability and Transformation Plans have divided the NHS in England into 44 local areas, and…Read more…
Caroline Martyn – Pioneering Woman & Clarion Van Speaker
Caroline Martyn Pioneering Woman & Clarion Van Speaker THE DUNDEE grave of a leading female trade unionist, who died on visit to the city over a hundred years ago, has been uncovered thanks to the detective work of a local Du…Read more…
Bristol Street Art
Just back from a holiday. I spent the first week based in Bristol sightseeing. What struck me was the number of colourful “Street Art” creations on various private buildings. Some were better than others but the best would make you stop and stare.
Br…Read more…
The #right2remain must apply to expats as well as immigrants
The TUC has joined with a host of others across the political and business spectrum to call for citizens of other EU countries living and working in the UK to be given the right2remain after Brexit. That’s in the gift of the UK government, and there are good reasons for granting it…Read more…
Socialist Holiday Camp – Caister
Caister Socialist Holiday Camp opened 1906
Britain’s first holiday camp was organised by the Labour Movement and opened in 1906.
The Socialist Holiday Camp at Caister Norfolk was the first British holiday camp for families a…Read more…
Nelson Clarion House
Nelson Clarion House
Still open and now going from strength to strength
Clarion House,
Jinney Lane, Newchurch-in-Pendle Lancashire BB12 9LL
Ordnance SurveyLANDRANGER 1:50 000 Series, Sheet 103 OUTDOOR LEISURE 1:25 000 Series, Map 21N…Read more…
Bournemouth Co-op Society Education Committee
Bournemouth Co-operative Society Education Committee StandRead more…
Allotments – Independent Labour Party ILP
Back To the Land
Independent Labour Party ILPRead more…
National Union of Agricultural Workers – Benevolent Fund
National Union of Agricultural Workers
Benevolent FundRead more…
300 Raindeer killed by lightning more…
CETA: why TTIP’s death is being exaggerated
The UK media this weekend has reported the death of the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the EU-US so-called trade deal which – as Buzzfeed reported this week – would legalise corporate malfeasance and profiteering by including a discredited Investor State Dispute…Read more…
A modern police force needs a balanced workforce
The Scottish Conservative’s obsession with police numbers misunderstands the importance of getting the right skill mix in a modern police force. For a party that claims to be concerned about…Read more…
The Rural Labourers’ League,
The Rural Labourers’ League, Established 12 May 1888
Campaigned for Land Reform, tariffs on imported food to support the rural economy
Key Jesse Collings (Liberal MP)
Journal – Rural WorldRead more…
Harry Pollitt – Rural Voters 1938
Jack Shingfield – Workers Union
Jack Shingfield
Workers Union – Eastern Counties
William John Shingfield (known as Jack) was the son of an agricultural labourer and member of Joseph Arch’s Agricultural labourers union in Suffolk.
Shingfield became a footman, but his skills in or…Read more…
Jack Shingfield – Workers Union
Jack Shingfield
Workers Union – Eastern Counties
William John Shingfield (known as Jack) was the son of an agricultural labourer and member of Joseph Arch’s Agricultural labourers union in Suffolk.
Shingfield became a footman, but his skills in or…Read more…
Miss Florence Saward – Workers Union
Florence Saward (centre of picture) was the daughter of an agricultural labourer from Braintree, Essex
Saward became a Workers Union organiser in Essex and Suffolk around 1913 and as the Chelmsford Chronicle stated (10 December 1938) “came to…Read more…