UNISON health delegates hear moving proof of the value of the bursary for student nurses
The article ‘The fight’s not over’ in campaign to save NHS bursaries first appeared on the UNISON National…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
UNISON health delegates hear moving proof of the value of the bursary for student nurses
The article ‘The fight’s not over’ in campaign to save NHS bursaries first appeared on the UNISON National…Read more…
UNISON health delegates discuss the pressures on ambulance members whose stressful jobs are made even more difficult by cuts
The article Ambulance staff are ‘breaking under the strain’ first…Read more…
A general election is always a moment when we decide the future of our country, but perhaps never more so than this time with Brexit on the horizon. After all this Tory government have done, they’re…Read more…
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1981115922172963/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED Read more…
Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority. Workers’ Memorial Day (WMD) commemorates those workers.
It is also a campaigning day for…Read more…
Mayoral candidate Steven Rotheram accuses government of ‘underfunding, understaffing and over-stretching’ health service
The article ‘Clear choice faces the British people on health’…Read more…
Unite the union has congratulated Wood Group shop stewards who have won this year’s STUC Organising Award – and said their example will inspire other offshore workers facing attacks on their pay….Read more…
Nicola Sturgeon MSPFirst Minister of Scotland120th STUC Annual Congress
Thank you, Grahame. Let me again congratulate today’s award winners.
Their achievements have made…Read more…
I recently spent quite a bit of time trawling pension fund’s responsible investment policies to see what, if anything, they say about labour issues. The background to this is the long-expressed gripe that investors seem to spend less time looking at th…Read more…
Jeremy Corybn MPLeader of the Labour Party120th STUC Annual Congress
Comrades and friends, it’s great to be in Scotland, and it’s wonderful to be here at the STUC.
The STUC has a wonderful tradition…Read more…
UNISON health conference told: ‘We must put the health service centre stage in the general election’
The article ‘Six weeks to save the NHS’, health conference told first appeared on the…Read more…
In the run-up to International Workers’ Memorial Day on Friday, April 28, UNITElive will be running a series of stories on the importance of health and safety in the workplace, while paying…Read more…
‘With the election just over six weeks away, the NHS needs those who have the will, the spirit and the dedication to fight for it, and to save it,’ Dave Prentis tells health conference
The article…Read more…
Helen Connor, EISPresidential Address 120th STUC Annual Congress
Good morning Congress and welcome to Aviemore. It is an honour and a privilege to address you as STUC President. To be…Read more…
Chronic understaffing across the NHS is putting patient lives at risk, according to UNISON’s UK-wide annual survey of nurses published today (Monday) at the start of its health conference in…Read more…
After a week in North Wales celebrating my Mum’s 76th, visiting family (and sneaked in a couple of hill walks) I drove back to London yesterday and today started campaigning in the Ilford North marginal then met up with West Ham CLP officers to agree o…Read more…
The Brussels branch of the National Union of Journalists (Britain & Ireland) is holding a special meeting on Tuesday 25th April – focusing on the challenge of whistleblower protection. As…Read more…
Okay, everyone is busy, busy and Easter is not a great time to hold an election but if you are a UNISON member and you haven’t voted yet then please get this sorted asap. All ballot papers have to be in by this Friday 28 April.
If you have …Read more…
I think it is a safe bet to assume that we are going to wake up on morning of June 9, 2017 to a Tory government with an increased parliamentary majority, and with Labour facing an electoral defeat of…Read more…