Airbus’ decision to take a majority stake in Bombardier’s C-Series jet after the US imposed “crushing” tariffs on the aircraft has been given a cautious welcome by Unite, which warned there is still…Read more…
Just ‘grow more food’?
Ministers need to stop misleading the public over the impact of a hard Brexit, Unite has said, after transport secretary Chris Grayling claimed farmers could simply grow more food if the UK crashes…Read more…
‘Toxic mix’
A ‘toxic mix’ of falling wages, a freeze to in-work benefits, along with cuts to Universal Credit and its botched introduction will hammer the incomes of workers this winter, Unite warned today…Read more…
Blog: Now is the time to stand strong, stand united and put public services first
Together, united, we can break this immoral pay cap for all public-sector workers. All deserve the pay rises they’ve been denied. All deserve an end to attacks on their jobs, their services and their…Read more…
Emergency service workers need greater protection
No one should face violence, abuse and sexual harassment at work
The article Emergency service workers need greater protection first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Post Grenfell Fire: Dispelling Sprinkler Myths
This evening I took part as a Newham Councillor in a “Fire Safety in Tower Blocks Scrutiny Commission” meeting. It was actually a mostly positive and constructive meeting but for some bizarre reason was held in secret and I cannot report on it.
I…Read more…
German Union Submits 6% Pay Claim And Demands Shorter Hours
Germany’s largest trade union, IG Metall which represents engineering, automotive, electrical, aerospace, steel and manufacturing workers is preparing to submit a 6% pay claim to German engineering…Read more…
Scrap the cap and give workers a proper pay rise, says UNISON
The government’s pay cap is cutting deep for public service workers
The article Scrap the cap and give workers a proper pay rise, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
UNISON takes Pay Up Now! campaign to MPs
As rising inflation increases the pressure on public service workers’ pay, UNISON tells MPs rises must be funded properly and be for the whole team
The article UNISON takes Pay Up Now! campaign to…Read more…
The Strange Death of Municipal England
Tom Crewe Britain is the most centralised country in the Western world. Its political system is weighted overwhelmingly…Read more…
Today at Parliament…
A Labour Party commitment will keep me from today’s marchand lobby of Parliament in support of fair pay for public servants.
This is a shame since I am fascinated by the novel approach of relying upon lobbying and petitioning in order to secure a pay r…Read more…
Inflation rise means pay cap is cutting deep, says UNISON
All public servants have seen the value of their pay fall year on year
The article Inflation rise means pay cap is cutting deep, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Unison Retired Members Conference 10-11 October 2017
The branch retired member’s secretary attended the National Retired Members Conference in Llandudno 10-11 October 2017. Topics discussed include: WASPI Issues faced by the disabled Social care provision The problems of means testing The report is well worth a read … Continue reading…Read more…
Newham Compass debate on Adult Social Care – Quality vs Cash?
Dear Compass Supporter,
Here with details of our event on Thursdsay October 26th at 7.30:
Adult Social Care – Quality vs Cash ?
with Anna Bailey-BearfieldLead Officer: Fix Dementia CareThe Alzheimer’s Society
Larry SandersSocial Care Spokesperson: the Green Party
Jos BellChair: London…Read more…
Big decisions on energy policy, but we must be bolder
There is no shortage of activity on energy policy and we haven’t even heard the outcome of the Scottish Government’s energy strategy consultation.
Let’s start with fracking. The Scottish Government…Read more…
‘Massive impact’
Unite has called for urgent assurances over investment and jobs after Vauxhall announced today (October 16) that the car maker — bought out by Peugeot owners PSA Group earlier this year — will cut…Read more…
Exeter hospital porters appeal for support
Porters taking action over management plans for 12-hour shifts appeal for donations to hardship fund
The article Exeter hospital porters appeal for support first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Join UNISON on SOS Day and fight back against library cuts
Are you ready for this week’s Save Our local Services campaign day, celebrating and defending our library service?
The article Join UNISON on SOS Day and fight back against library cuts first…Read more…
Unison Executive Committee – Branch Vacancies
The branch has vacancies on its Executive Committee for the following officer posts: Equality Officer Youth Officer (must be aged under 27) Membership & Recruitment Secretary Welfare Secretary LGBT Officer – male job share Education Secretary International Relations Officer Workplace…Read more…
While in Dancing Dick’s Lane – White Notley to Witham walk
Definitely off message but today Gill and I went for a linear walk from White Notley station to Witham station (Essex). It was a walk in an old booklet I found on my shelf called “Off the Beaten Track – 20 Rambles in Rural Essex” by Great Eastern Railw…Read more…