Working people need a Labour government but split parties don’t win elections
The article Labour split is ‘terrible news’ first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
Working people need a Labour government but split parties don’t win elections
The article Labour split is ‘terrible news’ first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Members of Unite employed by Birmingham council on its refuse collection service will begin strike action tomorrow (February 19), in a dispute over ‘secret payments’ and blacklisting. Picket…Read more…
University vice chancellors’ pay has hit the headlines after the report on the subject from the new Office for Students – so we decided to take a deeper look at the figures behind the headlines.
The…Read more…
I was privileged to be re-elected last week at the London UNISON Regional Council AGM as Finance convenor (Treasurer and Regional Council Officer) for I think the 12th year in a row.
The AGM was probably in my view the most constructive and positive o…Read more…
The more I’ve been digging around for info on workers on boards, the more interesting things I find. For example, I had heard a rumour a while back that ATOS was thinking about appointing a UK employee director. And it turns out that they did. In fact …Read more…
AN URGENT APPEAL TO THE GOVERNEMENT OF TURKEY AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY Abdullah Öcalan’s unlawful and inhumane isolation must be ended immediately. Otherwise hundreds of people who are on…Read more…
Looks good. Despite being Welsh I am afraid that my singing gene is somewhat missing. Taking place in the best ward in Newham of course. Read more…
As I’ve blogged quite a lot recently, I think the ground is shifting with regards to the UK corporate governance model. Specifically, the issue of employee and other stakeholder representation is being debated increasingly frequently.
Although there i…Read more…
Addressing women’s conference, Christina McAnea says she wants to ensure the union continues to create such a legacy
The article Assistant general secretary hails the difference UNISON makes first…Read more…
Delegates reiterate that ‘social care is the bedrock of our society’
The article Conference backs UNISON campaign on social care first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Employers who fail to tackle members of the public who grope and subject female staff to lewd jokes should be held to account, says UNISON today (Saturday). A motion debated at UNISON’s annual…Read more…
Last weekend I went to the Labour LGA conference in Coventry. There were Labour councillors from all over England. On the Friday evening Tom Watson was the speaker at a buffet meal. The next day Jeremy was our keynote speaker (see main picture with Jer…Read more…
UNISON women are the majority of our members and the heartbeat of everything that we do – so it’s only right that women are a majority in our democratic structures too. That’s not an accident, that’s…Read more…
Mandy Buckley tells delegates that the Birmingham strikers are not going to give in
The article Birmingham care striker brings conference to its feet first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
The government must immediately step in to bring these collapsed services back in-house
The article Bring probation contracts back into public control to avoid further disaster first appeared on the…Read more…
UNISON women’s conference hears inspiring speech from Rosena Allin-Khan, NHS doctor and MP
The article ‘Keep going and never accept any limitations’ first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
By Roger Jeary, IER blogger
15 February 2019
On a cold wet night, the celebratory mood inside the well-filled Great Hall at NEU, Mabledon Place could not be dampened, as members, friends and…Read more…
By Roger Jeary, IER blogger
15 February 2019
On a cold wet night, the celebratory mood inside the well-filled Great Hall at NEU, Mabledon Place could not be dampened, as members, friends and…Read more…
Unite member Lily Chasteau, 24, knows that even in the 21st century, some topics of conversation are still considered off-limits. “A friend of mine started her period when we were 14 and she…Read more…
A&E wait times have reached the worst levels since records began, according to the latest NHS figures published this week (February 14). Hospital A&E units in England have seen only…Read more…