Twenty-six years ago this week, Stephen Lawrence, 18, was murdered in cold blood by a gang of young men who targeted him in a racist attack in south east London, stabbing him to death. While…Read more…
Macclesfield hospital pay protest
Low paid staff, contracted by outsourcing firm ISS, at Macclesfield District General Hospital are staging a second protest on Friday (April 26) against ISS’ plans to withhold up to a week of their…Read more…
Newham council faces third dispute
Newham council is facing a third industrial dispute in as many weeks over the way it treats a key group of workers, Unite said today (April 24). Three gas managers working in the repairs…Read more…
Rubber health risk threat
New long-term authoritative research published in the British Medical Journal has revealed that workers in the tyre and rubber industry remain at significant risk of developing certain cancers due…Read more…
Lyra McKee : The loss of a friend of our union
Lyra McKee’s death last week shocked us all. Today as her funeral takes place, we share in the collective grief and sadness at the loss of a friend of our union.
The article Lyra McKee : The loss of…Read more…
Blog: It’s time to go for growth
There’s a huge amount of work to do, but I know that our union is up to the task – and that every time we build our union, we make it easier to support, defend and represent our members in the…Read more…
Labour MEP candidates for London (and one for SE)
Above is a list of candidates selected by Labour to stand in the European elections next month (if they go ahead). My Newham cabinet colleague, James Beckles, is standing and another Newham Councillor, Rohit Dasgupta, is standing in South East r…Read more…
Firm strategy and better data needed to tackle abuse of NHS staff, says UNISON
Ministers must put commitments into action to stop violent attacks
The article Firm strategy and better data needed to tackle abuse of NHS staff, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National…Read more…
Guitar workers victory
Unite has helped to bring a positive end to an epic 13-year struggle involving hunger strikes, occupations and self-immolation by Korean guitar makers who were dismissed by their employer for…Read more…
‘Pay justice fight’
Trinity House seafarers, engaged in their first pay dispute in more than 500 years, will be holding a protest in Harwich, Essex, at 1pm tomorrow (April 24). The seafarers, who have a key role…Read more…
‘Action not words’
Gender pay gap data published by large companies each year could be riddled with errors, according to new research. More than 500 companies most definitely made errors in their gender pay gap…Read more…
Strike ballot over ‘derisory’ pay for college staff
Hundreds of further education (FE) staff will today (Tuesday) vote on taking strike action over pay, says UNISON. Employees at 14 colleges* across England will take part in the ballot including…Read more…
It’s spring – let’s Go for Growth
Reach out to members and non-members with an event – a picnic, a stall in the canteen, cupcakes or a social
The article It’s spring – let’s Go for Growth first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Unison NEC elections 2019
Meet the Dagenham and Barking Mayor – Charity Dinner
“Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine. And there’s more of it to come with my final event as mayor with my charity Caribbean gala finale and birthday celebrations. Taking place on Friday 3rd May. I have top Caribbean chef Mr Nice Cari…Read more…
Review: Black City, by Boris Akunin
Boris Akunin is the pseudonym for Grigory Chkhartishvili, one of the most successful crime writers ever to emerge from Russia. His series of books featuring …Read more…
Talking to my family about politics
Easter is one of those special times of the year when we get to spend time with family members we don’t see often enough… and to be deeply shocked at how differently even close relatives view the world.
I’m a fully paid-up metropolitan lefty Remaine…Read more…
Unison NEC elections 2019 #UNEC19
Crying girl on the border
The winners of the World Press Photo 2019 contest have been announced, selected from over 78,000 photos taken by 4,738 photographers.Warning: contains images that some may find distressing.The winning image is by John Moore showing Honduran toddler Yan…Read more…
UNISON #UNEC19 Elections – Black Members and Disabled Members seats
Following on from my post this morning on community and London seats, I have these recommendations from black and disabled members I trust. All UNISON members can vote for these seats
Black Members
Sandra Okwara – Female Seat
Manjula Kumari – Female…Read more…