Responding to speculation that the chancellor Rishi Sunak will soon use a statement to detail changes to the job retention scheme (JRS), Unite has urged the government to proceed with maximum care…Read more…
Advising an errant employee on “netiquette”.
I have been blogging here now for almost fourteen years.
In that time I have sometimes gone back to amend – or delete – posts after they were originally posted.
There are all sorts of reasons why one might do that and it wouldn’t necessarily be wrong (…Read more…
Agency workers pay victory
Employment agency workers contracted to provide refuse collection services in Sandwell, West Midlands, are being paid 100 per cent of their wages during lockdown, after Unite, the UK and Ireland’s…Read more…
Rescue plan welcomed
The government’s jobs retention scheme, where the state covers 80 per cent of people’s wages for those who cannot work during the crisis, has saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions of jobs. But…Read more…
New care home death figures show government claims of protecting the sector ring hollow
Never again should the concerns of staff, unions and employers be ignored
The article New care home death figures show government claims of protecting the sector ring hollow first appeared on the…Read more…
‘Betrayal of workers – and of Britain’
Unite launched a major UK wide campaign on Friday May 22 against British Airways’ (BA) opportunistic plans to use the Covid-19 pandemic to betray thousands of staff and the public.
The post…Read more…
Ministers mustn’t forget important workers delivering essential services, says UNISON
Local government workers facing coronavirus risks and pressures
The article Ministers mustn’t forget important workers delivering essential services, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
Newham Council response to support Homeless during Covid-19
I was invited by my UNISON branch executive colleague, Lola Oyewusi (who is also a Parish Councillor) to participate in a FaceBook Live discussion on Sunday on supporting the Homeless during Covid-19.
Lola also invited Cllr Sharon Thompson, who i…Read more…
Trade Union advice for Mr Cummings
I spent most of my working life, about thirty years, as a union representative. Over those years I represented workers at many hundreds of disciplinary hearings.
Obviously (I hope!) it is the role of a union representative in those circumstances to rep…Read more…
Review of ‘It’s The Media Stupid…..”
Download the review of “It’s The Media Stupid….” published in ‘Cold Type ‘by clicking on the link. Read more…
Fight to Save Historic East End Matchgirl’s Grave
“We have written to the Secretary of State for Justice and await his reply. Please rally your MP to help us at least pause this brutal mounding process…
The Matchgirls Memorial
Patrons: Anita Dobson, Diana Holland, Barbara Plantwww.matchgirls1888.o…Read more…
Impact of Covid-19 on homeless
Lola works in housing and is a member of my UNISON branch. I have a clash tomorrow but I have sent Lola a 3 minute video with our experience in Newham London and some ideas about the future. I will be watching later to find out what is happening in Bir…Read more…
“build affordable Homes for Heroes”
Very interesting (and topical) housing initiative led by G15
“Join us to build affordable Homes for Heroes
An alliance of housing associations, offsite manufacturing firms and many others across the property sector has launched a call to the private…Read more…
Blog: A u-turn from the government and a real victory for our union
It means that many UNISON members, migrants working in health and social care, looking after our communities, will be spared this deeply unfair charge. But UNISON won’t stop there.
The article Blog:…Read more…
No safety without the unions
The post No safety without the unions appeared first on IER.Read more…
Government should listen to independent scientists and pull back from 1 June start date
Reopening must wait until it;s safer
The article Government should listen to independent scientists and pull back from 1 June start date first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Unions urge immediate protection of Black probation workers from COVID-19
UNISON and sister probation unions tell National Probation Service there is no time to waste in safeguarding their Black/BAME members
The article Unions urge immediate protection of Black…Read more…
Tell us your lockdown story
We want to know what you’ve been doing to keep yourself – and your communities – going during the past few months
The article Tell us your lockdown story first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Unite launches BA campaign
Unite will launch a major UK wide campaign today (May 22) against BA’s opportunistic plans to use the COVID-19 pandemic to betray thousands of staff and the public. The company has served BA…Read more…
Chris Stephens SNP MP says Governments have turned a blind eye to what’s happening in Turkey
Chris Stephens, Scottish National Party MP for Glasgow South West, supporter of both Freedom For Ocalan Campaign and Peace In Kurdistan interviewed by journalist Erem Kansoy. Chris Stephens…Read more…