UNISON president Josie Bird tells special delegate conference that the union will continue to fight for ‘a genuine end to austerity’
The article The pandemic has ‘exposed and exacerbated…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
UNISON president Josie Bird tells special delegate conference that the union will continue to fight for ‘a genuine end to austerity’
The article The pandemic has ‘exposed and exacerbated…Read more…
I have been helping to review the HR policies of a charity as it considers a return to normal operations after the pandemic. We had a false start last year, although the return to…Read more…
One things with which the new UNISON NEC (with a large majority of members elected on the #timeforrealchange slate) will have to deal at its July member is the making of nominations to the TUC General Council and the selection of NEC members to attend …Read more…
Ministers must fund councils properly to keep places clean and safe
The article Councils in tourist hotspots overwhelmed with litter problems first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Picture from Saturday. We didn’t win the referendum on ending the Mayoral model in Newham but we came close
for the directly elected mayor: 45,960 (56%) for the committee system: 36,424 (44%)
However, this was the first proper summer social I ha…Read more…
In many years of trade union activity I have come across comrades (and quite often friends) from a very wide range of different groups of what are often referred to as “Trots”. It is an observation so commonplace as never really to be funny that these …Read more…
As the government prepares to delay lockdown easing for another four weeks, Unite has reiterated its call for continued financial support for workers and their beleaguered industries. Government…Read more…
Thousands of families in Stoke-on-Trent, which has high levels of child poverty, could be badly hit by city council plans to slash £1 million from the children and young people services’ budget,…Read more…
Local government workers should be prepared to take the fight to ministers, conference agrees
The article ‘Attack is the best form of defence’ against cuts and pay freeze first appeared on the…Read more…
Delegates hear how people join the union because of what it does on keeping workplaces and workers safe
The article WET conference stresses the importance of health and safety first appeared on the…Read more…
Christina McAnea says government must reform sector and ensure employers guarantee full pay
The article Care employers still not giving sick pay to Covid-hit staff, says UNISON survey …Read more…
General secretary Christina McAnea addresses UNISON’s special local government conference 2021
The article Serious about levelling up? Let’s see the evidence first appeared on the UNISON National…Read more…
Delegates hear of the sacrifices staff have made to keep the country running during the pandemic
The article Councils need a bold new vision to fund and deliver essential services first appeared on…Read more…
UNISON president leads delegates in a minute’s silence to remember the many who have died
The article Local government conference remembers those lost to the pandemic first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
Unite Scotland has today (June 14) welcomed the news that up to 35 cabin crew jobs at risk of redundancy across Scottish airports have now been saved thanks to innovative training courses supported…Read more…
On Saturday morning we had a training event for Newham Labour Councillors on campaigning in general and also on the Party doorstep app. Instead of printing out sheets of names and addresses of residents for canvassing teams to knock on doors and…Read more…
For many years I would attend UNISON Conferences and blog about them here. Today, as a retired member, I obviously did not attend the Special (Virtual) Local Government Committee meeting which took the place of National Local Government Conference.Howe…Read more…
For workers hoping for a step-change in the enforcement of workers’ rights, the government’s announcement that there will be a further delay to planned reforms is a kick in the teeth.Read more…
Trade unions care about inflation – nobody wants pay increases written off by higher prices. But we care about other things too.Read more…
It’s good to see a strong, positive statement issued on behalf of a sizeable majority of the members of the newly elected UNISON NEC, which I shall take the liberty of reproducing in its entirety below;“The #TimeForRealChange campaign is delighted to a…Read more…