Over 182,290 people signed the petition, demanding that the government ends the pay crisis by raising the minimum wage to £15 an hour
The article UNISON delivers pay petition to Downing Street first appeared on the UNISON National site.
All the union news that's fit to blog...
Over 182,290 people signed the petition, demanding that the government ends the pay crisis by raising the minimum wage to £15 an hour
The article UNISON delivers pay petition to Downing Street first appeared on the UNISON National site.
Airport operations workers employed by United Airlines at London Heathrow have secured a new pay deal which includes an improved pay offer and a commitment from the company to abandon outsourcing plans. The workers had announced 4 days of strike action planned between 28th and 31st October after a 96% vote in favour of strikes. […]
The post Strike threat forces United Airlines climb down appeared first on Unite Live.
The UK’s leading union for hospitality workers, Unite, has Starbucks, Costa, Café Nero and Pret a Manger in its sights as it demands better jobs, pay and conditions for café workers. Despite the sector pulling in £5.6 billion in revenue this year, low pay, under staffing and inconsistent hours are rife across the sector. Unite’s […]
The post Baristas united appeared first on Unite Live.
Gonul Erden faces charges of ‘terrorism’ for her trade union work, when she was co-president of the public health and services union SES
The article UNISON attends trade unionist trial in Turkey first appeared on the UNISON National site.
Workers back action over pay
The article Winter warning as Environment Agency staff vote for strike, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.
Services are suffering because of sluggish wages
The article Public sector wage slump matters to us all, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.
UNISON and other unions discuss workforce crisis with health secretary
The article Act on pay and help the NHS, staff and patients, say health unions first appeared on the UNISON National site.
In a letter to the prime minister, Christina McAnea writes: ‘Government should be creating stability and certainty – not a bonfire of workers’ rights and decades of legal wrangling.’
The article UNISON demands Rishi Sunak guarantee workers’ protections in EU law bill first appeared on the UNISON National site.
Unite has secured around 150 workers at Telford’s Heinz Food Service factory a pay rise of 11 per cent. Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said, “By standing together in their union, our members at Heinz’s Telford factory have secured a substantial pay rise. As this result shows, Unite’s total focus on improving jobs, pay and […]
The post Heinz factory workers celebrate pay win appeared first on Unite Live.
The post Beloved Comrade: obituary – Avtar Singh Jouhl appeared first on IER.
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This morning I attended the Remembrance Day service at All Saints Church in West Ham, the ward I have represented as a Councillor since 2010. It was a marvellous and moving service, attended by our local MP, Lyn Brown, our local British Army TA unit, G…Read more…
Every new book from British author Mick Herron is a cause for celebration. Even when the book isn’t actually a book. This “interlude” is more of a short story — a story in which appear…Read more…
Hitesh with Hassina Malik defending our pensionsOn Friday 11th November, the Lambeth branch of UNISON lost one of our most respected and admired retired members.Hitesh Patel, 64, a true friend and comrade, died unexpectedly whilst receiving treatment f…Read more…
It has been a while since I have been for (or posted) a country walk for various reasons. Today Gill and I took advantage of a dry and warmish weather forecast to go for this 7.5 mile circular walk in Essex. A map and description is in this Essex…Read more…
I first came across Tim Spector because of COVID. His company, ZOE, launched an app which I and millions of others used to report daily on symptoms, vaccines, etc. Since then I’ve read one of…Read more…
One year ago, I was representing Welsh workers at the Cop 26 global climate meeting of world leaders in Glasgow. The meeting agreed a set of targets and actions to tackle global warming.
The president of the conference, Alok Sharma, said it was an “his…Read more…
This morning I attended yet another very moving Armistice Day memorial at the Cenotaph in Central Park. As well as the usual suspects (myself included) there was I think around 200 children from local schools gathered around Cenotaph, many of who…Read more…
A UNISON NEC member (and past President of the Union), has successfully bought a complaint against UNISON to the Certification Officer.Whether or not one agrees with the action taken in the particular case, it is important to recognise and salute the c…Read more…
Strikes by more than 250 Stagecoach workers in Hull have ended after the workers accepted a two-year pay deal worth 20 per cent. Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said, “This is a major victory for Hull’s Stagecoach workers, who, by standing together, achieved a substantial pay increase. It’s also a significant moment for the region […]
The post Strike victory for Hull Stagecoach workers appeared first on Unite Live.
Strike action by engineers at Fox’s Biscuit factory in Batley Yorkshire has been averted after the workforce accepted an improved pay offer. The 36 engineers who are members of Unite had voted in favour of strikes in a pay dispute and announced industrial action, which would have disrupted Christmas production. Following the announcement of industrial […]
The post Fox’s biscuit workers in pay win appeared first on Unite Live.