Ballot papers were dispatched on Wednesday, and have begun arriving on members’ doormats this morning. Please take a minute to fill in your ballot form, and return it: it’s YOUR union, make your…Read more…
Supply Teachers- next steps in the Agency campaign- and a reminder of how we actually got here !
NUT members staged a great lobby of the main supply teachers’ agencies yesterday. While I couldn’t be there in person, I am proud that East Sussex was represented. I have long campaigned for…Read more…
Time for a national ‘Dignity at Work’ policy- with teeth ! End workplace bullying.
As every caseworker will tell you, many of our colleagues are treated appallingly in their workplace. It is sad to note that there are bullying managers in many schools (often themselves…Read more…
Time for common sense, not spot-fines nonsense.
The requirement of parents to ensure that their children attend school “regularly” is nothing new: it isn’t a Blair-era piece of government control, it dates back to the 1944 Education Act. This was…Read more…
Who cares for the Caseworkers ?
Che Guevara said: “If you tremble with indignation at any injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.”
If you tremble with indignation at injustices on a regular basis, chances are you are an NUT…Read more…
Asbestos: Remove it NOW.
We’ve been saying it for years, and finally an All-Party Parliamentary Group agrees we’re right. Asbestos must be removed from schools.
More than 90% of schools in my Division have asbestos present….Read more…
Workload: Hunt lets the cat out of the bag !
Tackling teacher workload has been a major campaign for the NUT for some years. We identified the growing problem during the Blair/Brown era, and saw this explode during Michael Gove’s poisonous…Read more…
John McDonnell Catches Up !
Pleased to hear the new Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell (a long standing friend of the NUT) speaking in favour of introducing the Robin Hood Tax- a tiny tax on financial transactions that would…Read more…
NQT members- the Union’s future !
I am really proud that our Union is not just a formidable campaigning union for conditions of service, but also has education very much at the heart of what we do.
My Division, East Sussex, has for…Read more…
Teachers’ Pay for a Teacher’s Day
One of the first campaigns I organised when I became a Division Secretary was to fight East Sussex County Council’s unilateral decision to close their “Supply Pool” arrangements. Although we gained…Read more…
Welcome Back
A big welcome back to colleagues who returned to school this week after the summer break. It’s always great to see the young people again, but every September, we face new challenges and threats to…Read more…
Child Poverty- Still a national disgrace
I have lost track of the number of Tory-leaning folks I have known over the years who have trained as teachers and then undergone a swift political conversion. Not because the staffroom is…Read more…
Government wrong on testing says NUT… and the CBI
We fought off Michael Gove’s first attempts to impose the EBacc as a narrow and prescriptive exam by building the widest and most diverse coalition of voices in a campaign. Once again, we see…Read more…
Visiting friends old and new in Kent
It was a great pleasure for Linda and me, along with other candidates for the Vice Presidential nomination to attend and speak at the Kent Division President’s Lunch last Saturday. Thanks to Mary…Read more…
Cameron’s Equality appointments: the latest Whitehall Farce
Equalities has always been central to my trade unionism: if we are not about equality, then we are nothing.
The new Tory Government has said that it thinks equality (other than economic equality, of…Read more…
After the General Election…
The NUT is party politically independent and always has been. However, like many NUT members, I was involved in the General Election campaigns, fighting hard to avoid the outcome that we got on…Read more…
Dave launches candidacy for NUT Vice-President
I am pleased to say that I have been asked to stand for Vice President of the National Union of Teachers, and this site will now be used to update members on that campaign.
I am pleased to be…Read more…