In November every year, I carry out an analysis of the influence of twitter accounts for all the TUC-affiliated unions. I compile the results into a league table, so unions can measure their progress…Read more…
Trade Union Website League Table 2019
Every year I carry out an analysis of the websites of all the TUC affiliated unions to compare their perceived ‘authority’. I compile the results into the trade union website league table (see…Read more…
Launching Careerzone for unionlearn
Unionlearn, the learning and skills organisation of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), has recently launched a new careers area on their website called ‘Careerszone’. The aim is to provide a…Read more…
Which unions are the most influential on Twitter in 2018?
Every November, I compile metrics to see which union are the most influential on Twitter. This is the seventh year I’ve been doing this analysis, and previous results can be found on this…Read more…
TUC Communications Awards 2018
Every year, the TUC hosts an Annual Communication Awards ceremony to celebrate some of the great work being done by unions. I always take particular interest in the awards focused on using technology…Read more…
Trade Union Website League Table 2018
Every June, I update the league table of trade union websites. The 2018 edition can be seen below (Previous results can be seen for 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012). It’s important to…Read more…
Which unions are the most influential on Twitter in 2017?
Towards the end of every year I take a look at which of the TUC-affiliated unions are the most influential on Twitter. I’ve been doing this for six years, with all previous results available on my…Read more…
How big is your union website in 2017?
A couple of years ago, I looked at the sizes of the websites of all the TUC affiliated unions, to see how they compared. I’ve found myself coming back to this analysis quite often. Various unions…Read more…
OK Google, let’s talk unions
One of the latest frontiers in technology is voice controlled smart assistants. Systems like Apple’s Siri, Google Now and Microsoft’s Cortana have been bringing voice controlled commands to mobiles,…Read more…
Trade Union Website League Table 2017
It’s time again for the annual trade union website league table. So how have the metrics changed in the last 12 months? (Previous results can be seen at 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012). The league…Read more…
Careersmart 2.0
Back in 2014, Prospect launched the website, providing information and guidance on careers and work issues from a union perspective. The site has recently undergone a major…Read more…
Which unions are the most influential on Twitter in 2016?
Every November I look at how influential the TUC-affiliated unions are on Twitter (see results for 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015). I’ve been asked to look at Facebook as well, and may well do this…Read more…
My new role as the TUC’s first Chief Information Officer
I’ve recently taken on a new role in addition to running the Infobo digital consultancy. I’ve been appointed as the first virtual Chief Information Officer at the Trades Union Congress (TUC). It’s…Read more…
TUC Communication Awards 2016
It’s the time of year when the TUC give out their awards for the best use of communications amongst unions. I’m always interested in the digital categories to see how unions are developing their…Read more…
Trade Union Website League Table 2016
It’s been 12 months since I last updated the Trade Union website league table, and so I’ve complied the latest metrics below (previous results can be seen for 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012)….Read more…
New Prospect website
One of the latest projects I’ve been involved with has recently gone live: Prospect, the professional’s union, has just launched their new website. I’ve been helping with the website’s new…Read more…
What is link baiting?
If you want to attract more visitors to your website, then one effective approach is “link baiting”. This is where a website features content that is so compelling that people want to link to it…Read more…
Which unions are the most influential in social media in 2015?
Every November I look at how influential the TUC-affiliated unions are in social media (see results for 2012, 2013 and 2014). Specifically, I look at Twitter, which due to its open nature is the only…Read more…
How big is your union website?
Recently, I’ve been looking at the sizes of union websites as a benchmarking exercise to inform a union website redesign project. I thought I’d share the results of the analysis, as it provides some…Read more…
Trade Union Website League Table 2015
Every year in June I look at a number of industry metrics for all the TUC-affiliated trade union websites. To help unions see how their site has progressed, I compile them into a league table. The…Read more…