IT might be Christmassy, if it had some decorations. But if it looks cold in this picture, now its worse -the lights are off, and the building’s up for sale.
NO, this isn’t the Pottins family…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
IT might be Christmassy, if it had some decorations. But if it looks cold in this picture, now its worse -the lights are off, and the building’s up for sale.
NO, this isn’t the Pottins family…Read more…
I’VE never been a fan of Russel Brand. Just not my cup of tea. I’ve never watched his programme, didn’t like his treatment of Andrew Sachs or talk about “booky-wook”, and I went as far as to…Read more…
IT’S some years now since I was taken ill at the end of a day at work, and when the symptoms persisted after I got home, knowing my GP’s surgery would be shut, I rang NHS Direct. The…Read more…
WHEN we were young it was considered a feature unique to faraway totalitarian regimes, and unimaginable in Britain, that the state should dictate to couples whether they could have children, or…Read more…
STUDENTS occupying a building at Warwick University vowed on Monday that they would not leave quietly without a change of attitude from the authorities. They want apologies from the university and…Read more…
MINNIE LANSBURY on her way to arrest.
The other evening I heard an interesting, indeed inspiring, talk about Minnie Lansbury, who was one of the rebel Labour councillors in the London Borough of…Read more…
FROM RADICAL ACTIVIST to respectable academic? The roles of police agent Bob
Just over a month ago, on October 23, 2014, the Metropolitan Police Service agreed to pay £425,000 to a woman…Read more…
NOT ALL COMEDY. Mark Thomes made spies’ activity subject of Edinburgh show. But while he was interested in what arms dealers were up to, the police were more interested in him.
WELL-KNOWN…Read more…
Who will save the children of Falluja?
SATIRICAL song writer Tom Lehrer remarked that when US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize, satire became obsolete….Read more…
WITH all the interest shown in various anniversaries this year, one slipped past almost unnoticed last month which might have topical relevance. It was 90 years since the Daily Mail published a…Read more…
EDWARD RUSHTON (1756-1814)
IT is just a few years since I heard about Edward Rushton, Liverpool’s blind poet, anti-slavery campaigner and radical revolutionary.
Born in John Street, Liverpool, in…Read more…