Packing up her school books
Laughing with her friend
It only took a moment
For her school days to come to an end
“We’re only kids in school”
Her voice was pained but clear
Bodies charred…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
Packing up her school books
Laughing with her friend
It only took a moment
For her school days to come to an end
“We’re only kids in school”
Her voice was pained but clear
Bodies charred…Read more…
The trade union confederations in Turkey, KESK and DISK, along with the Engineers and Architects Association and the Medical Association organised the demonstration and rally in Ankara on Saturday…Read more…
When national newspapers (Gender And Unity In The Labour Movement – Guardian 17 Sept) are used to urge that its time for ‘a woman’ to lead UNISON perhaps its time to look at where women are in the…Read more…
“We have a moral and legal obligation to help refugees”, UNISON NEC member Jane Carolan told delegates today in a moving speech backing a statement committing the General Council to campaign for…Read more…
On Thursday a national pay summit was held at UNISON head office with representatives in attendance from all regions and service groups. Co-chaired by President Wendy Nichols and NEC Policy Chair…Read more…
It is sad to see process overtaking politics in the Labour leadership debate, especially because the campaign had at least contained something about visions and policies and how best to deliver on…Read more…
Andy Burnham has expressed concerns that Tories may have been given votes in the Labour leadership election and many in Corbyn’s camp have been quick to dismiss this as scaremongering, or as means to…Read more…
On the 4th anniversary of his death, Colombian human rights organisation Nomadesc has produced a video tribute to the late Kenny Bell, Newcastle UNISON Branch Secretary and deputy Regional Convenor…Read more…
See our new facebook page at We’ve had problems with the existing facebook page that we are trying to sort out.Read more…
#4Oct British trade unions are facing a full frontal attack. Government spending on public services and the welfare state is being rolled back decades. It has never been more important for trade…Read more…
In the immediate aftermath of the Parliamentary Labour Party’s failure to oppose the Welfare Bill, its MPs with the sole exception of Dennis Skinner abstained on an amendment to decline a second…Read more…
Headlines on the new Trade Union Bill and subsequent blog postings have concentrated on the threat to strike action, through the new thresholds on ballots, and on the new laws regarding picketing and…Read more…
The debacle created by interim leader Harriet Harman on welfare has created Tory accusations of a split when we should have been putting clear red water between Labour and the Tories. Their vile…Read more…
Beneath the EU’s affront to democracy in Greece there is still the debate about whether Syriza reflects a shift to the left or whether it is just a singular reaction to a single issue…Read more…
The outrage at Harriet Harman’s refusal to oppose outright the Tory £4.5bn raid on tax credits is in contrast to the muted response to Labour front bench’s equally unprincipled support for George…Read more…
Yesterday’s referendum in Greece on the terms of the bailout offered by the European Union offered a decisive answer to those seeking to continue with the route to austerity. By a margin of 62% to…Read more…
Day 2 of the National UNISON Labour Link Forum in Manchester started with a Parliamentary Panel of MPs and MEPS (see picture). It was inspiring to see three new MPs who come from our movement…Read more…
The UNISON political fund representing members who have decided to affiliate to the Labour Party began its annual forum this morning in Manchester.
The forum was opened by Dave Prentis who…Read more…
This ground-breaking 96-page report puts the health and social care sector at the centre of importance to achieve sustainable economic growth. Commissioned by New Directions, the definitive analysis…Read more…
Building on last Saturday’s larger than expected anti austerity protests in Glasgow, London and other cities, the TUC is calling a national demonstration in Manchester on Sunday 4 October to coincide…Read more…