As the clock ticked down on a bail out deal between the Greek Government and the Troika – the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF – UNISON conference was debating emergency…Read more…
If we shy away no one can help us but if we decide to fight, no one can stop us
#uNDC15 A thumping speech from Dave Prentis, UNISON general secretary, hit all the right buttons with Conference with support for the Glasgow strikers and a pledge that ‘an injury to one is an injury…Read more…
We have to get better organised – Glen Williams
#uLGC15 ‘I have tried not to focus on the doom and gloom, but to give you a flavour of the struggles that take place every day around the UK, struggles and resistance by you and our members that we…Read more…
We Belong To Glesga., Dear Ol..Glesga Toon…
#UNDC15 Well this week we all do. The National Delegate Conference hits the real* capital of Scotland (sorry Embra) where delegates can sample the best curries, the best pubs and the best hospitality…Read more…
Early conciliation – only 1 in 8 cases are settled
‘The most recent statistics from Acas (April-December 2014) show that nearly 59,000 workers have used early conciliation, compared to just under 2,000 employers and that the number of applications…Read more…
Public Services are trapped in an EU market straitjacket
A much neglected aspect of the ‘European debate’ is the extent to which the EU is a driving force for the liberalisation and privatisation of public services. Judith Clifton writing for the LSE’s…Read more…
Defend our right to strike
Tory proposals in the Trade Union Bill to impose new industrial action ballot thresholds for turnout (50%) and support (in ‘essential services’ 40% of all balloted) ‘would make almost all strikes…Read more…
Power Trio by Vincent P Richardson
A Statesman
once a revolutionary became a politician matures
A Politician
once a revolutionary aspires
A Revolutionary
never retires.Read more…
Proud, loud and UNISON! Angie Rayner’s Maiden Speech as an MP
Until a few weeks ago the North West regional convenor, and proud of her UNISON background, on Tuesday Angie made her maiden speech in the House of Commons promising to ‘always tell it like it is’…Read more…
Queen’s speech: We may have lost a battle – There is still a war to fight
“Where there is discord may we bring harmony. Where there is error may we bring truth. Where there is doubt may we bring faith. And where there is despair may we bring hope.” Remember that…Read more…
Collins Review paved way for Tory attack on union political funds
Yesterday’s Queen’s Speech included proposals to require an opt-in to political funds (rather than the current opt-out) and the Guardian reports that ‘trade union officers and the Labour party…Read more…
The funding sting in the tail of Devo Manc
UNISON North West has produced an excellent policy statement on Devo Manc. They are rightly concerned by the blurred lines of accountability, future funding and how services will be delivered or…Read more…
ILO issues global inequality warning
The warnings and predictions just keep on coming. Following the World Bank statement earlier this year that the rise in Global Inequality is partly due to the decline of trade unions, the…Read more…
No right turn
I have previously referred to Ed the Moribund and I was openly critical of his circus act hustings at the last leadership contest surrounded by labour students – an earlier pre-cursor to Milifandom…Read more…
Agitate, educate, organise!
In the aftermath of the general election, trade unions have a unique role in leading the fight back against the Tory offensive, writes John Stevenson of UNISON Scotland:
‘The…Read more…
2015-2020: a do-or-die period for UK trade unions
‘Trade unions will now pay a heavy price for Labour’s defeat. Tory plans are set out clearly enough in their election manifesto, including the much-trumpeted proposals for yet more restrictions on…Read more…
People’s Assembly Scotland: Greens top pledge against austerity followed by Labour then SNP
#GE2015 Most of Scotland’s election candidates who responded to the People’s Assembly Scotland’s petition against austerity have also signed up to it, pledging “to commit themselves to oppose all…Read more…
Surrendering to neo-liberal ‘fiscal discipline’
Keith Ewing suggests that Scottish independence may come sooner than the high-speed rail link, partly because of ‘Labour’s extraordinary proposal to give quasi-constitutional status to Austerity.’…Read more…
TTIP needs international union response
#stuc15 UNISON NEC member Jane Carolan reminded the STUC in Ayr today about the need for an international response to the TTIP “assault on democratic government”.
A composite from four unions and…Read more…
Oppose TTIP in principle – it has no redeeming features
#A18DoA #NoTTIP Today is a Global Day of Action against free trade and investment treaties. Over 25 protests are planned in Britain including a major event ‘Democracy vs TTIP’ at Shepherds Bush…Read more…