TTIP would undermine the ability of governments to promote health and safety and protect the environment against corporate depredation…Read more…
Hollande forces change to France’s labour laws
On Tuesday, May 10, despite protests that have lasted for weeks outside the French National Assembly and on the Paris streets, France’s socialist president François Hollande forced through a bill…Read more…
Jailed journalists and a gag order to celebrate press freedom in Egypt
Unconditional support for Egyptian journalists against the flagrant assault on freedom of expression…Read more…
World Press Freedom Day 2016
There must be no hiding place for those who attack journalists or undermine media freedom…Read more…
IFJ condemns Iraqi censorship
The decision to suspend Al Jazeera’s licence to operate is deeply prejudicial in a country that badly needs a free pressRead more…
Workers Memorial Day 2016
The welfare of workers should be our primary concern…Read more…
TTIP talks face growing difficulties
The thirteenth round of negotiations of the free trade deal between the EU and the USA known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) starts in New York on 25 April 2016 amid…Read more…
Global networks confronting global challenges
Paper workers are beginning to build a global resistance to global challenges…Read more…
UK steel industry under threat as Tata seeks to sell-up
The unity of voices to say that temporary nationalization is the way forward must not be ignored…Read more…
A victory for public sector unions on the road to the White House
Many in the US labour movement see the Friedrichs case as a direct attack on workers’ fundamental rights…Read more…
TTIP negotiations ‘On the wrong course’, say EU and US union leaders
The agreement must not include a private justice system for foreign investors…Read more…
New round of sackings as IBM slashes global workforce
The implication is that Big Blue is reducing its wage bill, not adjusting its business modelRead more…
Colombian coal miners celebrate victory at Cerrejón
After 62 days of difficult negotiations, the Colombian coal workers’ union Sintracarbón has reached an agreement at Cerrejón that recognizes the contribution made day in and day out by the 13,000…Read more…
Amazon turkers appeal to union help at UNI Europa 16
“Amazon turkers need unions; your passion, experience and knowledge.”Read more…
Scotland: Free Film Screening of This Changes Everything on 8th April
UNISON Scotland’s International Committee and Green Network, together with Global Justice Now, invite you to a free community screening of the inspirational film This Changes Everything, on Friday 8…Read more…
West Bank teachers strike enters fourth week
After three weeks, Palestinian teachers say “Dignity for teachers” and “We continue”…Read more…
Claudia Julieta Duque – An international woman
The trial now underway in Colombia’s capital, Bogotá, has rightly been described as “a landmark case” and one that serves as a great opportunity to celebrate International…Read more…
Renault in Turkey launches attack against its own workers
Violence against workers can never be accepted and must stop immediately…Read more…
Iranian workers struggle for justice
Maziyar Gilaninejhad of the Union of the Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) talks about the challenges and struggles of Iranian workers, and the likely effects of the nuclear deal on the…Read more…
Brazil slave labour victims seek justice at Americas’ top rights court
Since 1995, around 50,000 people in Brazil have been freed from slave-like workRead more…