Trying to force through mass changes to academy status is not only wrong-headed, it’s a complete distraction.
The article Academy orders issued to schools in Hallam Diocese ‘unlawfully’, say…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
Trying to force through mass changes to academy status is not only wrong-headed, it’s a complete distraction.
The article Academy orders issued to schools in Hallam Diocese ‘unlawfully’, say…Read more…
UNISON has today (Wednesday) welcomed a decision by the Ormiston Academies Trust to drop plans to cut jobs across England, which it was feared could put the safety and support of pupils at primary…Read more…
Education unions representing staff at Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) – the largest academy chain in the UK – are today (Wednesday) launching a ballot asking if employees have confidence in the…Read more…
The UK’s largest academy chain faces a potential dispute with seven education unions over job cuts, low wages and outsourcing.
The article Education unions warn academy trusts over cuts first…Read more…
On Monday evening Newham Council Cabinet & Mayoral proceedings was important, historic, a little exciting yet also reassuringly mundane. In the finest tradition of UK Local Government.
There was a mass of important Council business to wade throug…Read more…
UNISON is organising meetings and support after Cheshire academy chain announced 43 redundancies at seven schools across the county
The article Academy workers face jobs threat first appeared on the…Read more…
Support workers, teaching staff and leadership unions unite in campaign over threat of redundancies
The article Joint campaign secures protections for school workers first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
Ralph Surman, ATL’s National Officer for Policy, examines some of the issues raised from the ATL fringe at TUC2016 in Brighton. One thing that those working in education understand more than…Read more…
Friday 26 August 2016 For immediate release Responding to the Local Government Association call for councils to have oversight of academy school finances, UNISON national secretary for education Jon…Read more…
Leaders of academy schools are spending taxpayers’ money
The article Academy chiefs helping themselves? first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Debates see delegates back a range of measures on pay, academies, funding and much more
The article Education dominates local government conference on final afternoon first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
Commenting on the news today (Friday) that the government has abandoned its plans to force all maintained schools still linked to local authorities to become academies, UNISON head of education Jon…Read more…
140 jobs under threat at six schools in Harlow will put ‘the quality of children’s education at risk’ warns union
The article UNISON mounts campaign to save jobs at academies in Essex first appeared…Read more…
What do parents want from their children’s schools? Quality teaching and a nurturing environment would probably be on most people’s lists. Hiring lawyers and accountants to manage a transfer of land…Read more…
Government plans to forces 17,000 schools in England to become academies opposed by unions, educators and politicians, including leading Conservative voices
The article Opposition to forced…Read more…
The Chancellor, George Osborne delivered the 2016 budget yesterday, here is a quick round up of reactions from our TUC bloggers: Public Service cuts £3.5bn worth of cuts to public services by 2020. The spending cuts will be identified through an ‘efficiency review’. Cuts and increased pressures on…Read more…
As trailed in yesterday’s press, a centrepiece of the Budget is a move to make every school in England an academy and to strip local authorities of their long-standing role in education. The signs were there that this was on the cards with the Times reporting earlier this month that there would be…Read more…
The Chancellor’s announcement on academies in today’s budget represents, among other things, a significant attack on national pay bargaining in a sector that is overwhelmingly made up of women workers. The imposition of academy status on schools up and down the country matters to all of us. It…Read more…
In a weakening global economy, people will rightly ask how the British government is providing opportunity for them. A high quality education system benefits everyone. But just because government…Read more…
Commenting on the education select committee report on the role of regional schools commissioners, UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis said: “UNISON has long said that the removal of school…Read more…