Speaking in support of Composite 8 on great jobs yesterday (September 11), Unite assistant general secretary Tony Burke warned of the challenges faced by automation, which he said “may be greater…Read more…
Automation nation
People are more worried about robots taking their jobs than they are about competition from migrants, a new poll reveals. The survey, conducted by jobs site Indeed of more than 1,500 UK…Read more…
Digitisation and the future of work: what it means for unions
Will robots take all the jobs? This dystopian question, prompted by the so-called ‘fourth industrial revolution’ – an umbrella term encompassing Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the ‘Internet of Things’ – has prompted a lively debate in recent years. Digitisation is seen by some as simply the…Read more…
What are robots for?
It would seem digitisation is occurring, at a greater or lesser pace in different countries. There are ever-more sophisticated computers, robots and advances in AI. Whether we are on the tipping point of a fourth industrial revolution, is a pertinent q…Read more…
What impact are robots having on jobs?
The debate about technological change, and whether it could lead to widespread unemployment has been revived in recent years in several studies. The seminal 2013 paper by Frey and Osborne sparked much debate about the impact of digitisation. They claim…Read more…
Tap pump and your pint is ready…
To most people the phase “pay at the pump” is associated with the necessary evil of petrol stations, where motorists use their bank cards at the pump to pay for their fuel. But now the phrase…Read more…
Automation nation?
Unite delegate and taxi driver, Mike Hedges, supported a motion on the impact of automation on employment, calling for research and policy. Focusing on the transport sector he spoke on the…Read more…
‘Star Wars’ digital revolution is coming
Serious questions are being asked whether the UK is fully geared up to profit from the ‘Star Wars’ digital revolution so eagerly being embraced by its economic competitors. As the prospect of…Read more…