Mind you, listening to Cameron blathering on would drive anyone to ….. I love the soundtrack. One of my favourites. Read more…
Cameron quits
David Cameron has stood down as the MP for Witney with immediate effect, two months after resigning as prime minister. The former Conservative leader’s legacy will be defined by his unleashing…Read more…
Cameron’s premiership saw least housebuilding since 1923
“David Cameron had the worst housebuilding record of any Prime Minister since 1923. An average of 123,560 houses were built in England and Wales during each year of his premiership, according to data released by the independent House of Commons library…Read more…
‘Dog-whistle’ racism claim
The Conservative party is regularly beset by allegations of racism against its MPs, councillors and candidates but even the most offensive comments rarely result in serious disciplinary action, a…Read more…
As reviled as Thatcher?
Desperate David Cameron is terrified that he will be as reviled as Margaret Thatcher in the history books because of the Conservative’s bungling of the steel crisis and has ordered his…Read more…
‘All in this together’?
Questions remain over the tax affairs of the Prime Minister and Chancellor despite the publication of their tax returns, Labour MPs said yesterday (April 11) during explosive scenes in Parliament….Read more…
Latest statement from David Cameron on “morally wrong” tax evasion
Love it 🙂 #resigncameronRead more…
Nothing to hide?
After three days of evasion David Cameron has been forced to admit that he benefited from a tax-free offshore trust his father set up. The revelation, coming after days of partial responses to…Read more…
Unite protests over ‘big mistake’ children’s cuts
The Oxfordshire community was out in full force today (February 16) at picket lines to demonstrate against cuts in a bid to save children’s centres and other council services as Oxfordshire county…Read more…
Mum knows best
David Cameron’s own mother has signed a petition against his cuts to children’s services in Tory led Oxfordshire county council. She was persuaded to sign the petition by her sister, Clare…Read more…
Government from the dark side? Transparency is not strong with this one…
Labour Deputy Leader Tom Watson made an interesting speech today, raising concerns about the erosion of transparency and accountability under our current government, and the threats this poses to our civil liberties. He accuses the Prime Minister in particular of “governing from the…Read more…
Broad alliance must raise the alarm on new Immigration Bill
The Immigration Bill is due to go through the Report stage and Third Reading in the House of Commons this Tuesday on 1st December. The Bill has emerged from the Public Bill Committee – to which the…Read more…
11 ways Cameron’s cuts are hurting the NHS – #FullyFundOurNHS
David Cameron claims to have protected NHS spending. But this has failed to keep pace with growing demand, or even with inflation. Funding per head of population has actually fallen 0.6% in real terms since 2010. Public funding of health as a proportio…Read more…
Save our services
Unite – which represents staff in Oxfordshire county council’s early intervention hubs – will join hundreds of concerned residents on the streets of Oxford tomorrow (Saturday 14 November…Read more…
Plunged into poverty
In his address to the Tory Party Conference on Wednesday (October 7), prime minister David Cameron insisted that in order “to make Britain greater”, social problems had to be tackled including the…Read more…
What lies beneath?
Prime minister David Cameron has again announced in his Tory Conference speech yesterday (October 7) that his is the party of working people. It’s his latest in a number of attempts to stretch the…Read more…
Dave down the rabbit hole
‘Call me Dave’ has had a dream which he shared with me. It was when we were walking through the sunlit uplands of his unexpected election victory waving the Union Jack. At this…Read more…
The Common People (Remember this is what tories do)
There is huge anger tonight inside and outside Parliament about Cameron’s first full Tory Queen Speech. There are also bad tempered (but tiny) protests outside Downing Street and of course lots of noise on social media. People seem genuinely shocked.
David Cameron’s 3 day boost for trade union organising
David Cameron is launching a new election policy today, giving everyone working in a firm over 250 employees and all public sector workers, the right to three days’ extra paid leave every year to do voluntary work. He has described the pledge, which covers half the UK workforce as the “clearest…Read more…
What David Cameron should do if he’s serious about getting Britain’s workers a pay rise
Politics is a funny business isn’t it? David Cameron has presided over the longest squeeze on living standards since Victoria was on the Throne. And yet there he was on Tuesday getting up at the British Chambers of Commerce, less than 90 days away from a general election, and saying with an…Read more…