Theresa May says ‘Brexit means Brexit’, yet no one knows what Brexit will look like. The lack of a plan has caused unprecedented levels of political and economic uncertainty. It has also cast doubt of the future of the UK’s – indeed the EU’s – environmental and climate change policy. In…Read more…
Powering ahead for Yorkshire and the Humber’s energy intensive industries
This week the TUC published a major paper on how UK industry can match Europe’s environmental leaders. Comparing UK industry with the Germans and the Danes is very timely given the Brexit vote on June 23rd and what this means for heavy industry across Yorkshire and the Humber. We are the most…Read more…
Unite Policy Conference 2016 – Thursday’s business
I’ve written a report for rs21 which covers the highlights of Thursday’s business. It was a packed day, which included the momentous decision to back mandatory reselection for Labour MPs – something that would not have been supported a few weeks ago.
Support @sccscot Mass Lobby of @ScotParl 29 Sept & call for climate action
UNISON Scotland is supporting the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland mass lobby of MSPs at the Scottish Parliament on 29 September. Full details from SCCS are below, including how to register for the limited number of places, and how to send support if you can’t attend.
And if you’re a member interested in action on climate change, do join our Green Network. At our September meeting, we will beRead more…
Shadow minister praises UNISON’s work for a living wage water industry
WET conference vows to keep up the pressure to ensure “the living wage for all in the water industry”
The article Shadow minister praises UNISON’s work for a living wage water industry first…Read more…
If we want to continue the fight against climate change, Britain is ‘Stronger In’
Earlier this week, the former Environment Secretary Owen Paterson made a speech in which he argued that leaving the EU would improve our environment. The speech was little reported, even less debated, which is a shame. The economy, immigration and sove…Read more…
Leaving Europe can only be bad news for energy bills, consumers and the battle to keep the lights on
In a referendum campaign marked by claim and counter claim with each seeking to outdo the other, I believe the recent statements from the Brexit camp that leaving Europe would lead to lower fuel bills have been some of the most brazen. In fact looking at the industry and the many challenges it…Read more…
UNISON member interested in climate change? Green Network Meeting Sat 21 May
Calling all UNISON members interested in climate change!Come to our next Green Network meeting in Glasgow – this Saturday, 21 May.We have a guest speaker – Jim Densham from Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Come and find out the latest on tackling global warming and campaigning for a low carbon Scotland.
Tell us what you think we should be doing and/or what you are doing where you are.And join inRead more…
Tackle fuel poverty scandal and help fight climate change, says UNISON
Tackling Scotland’s “disgraceful” fuel poverty scandal must be a top priority and will help fight climate change, UNISON said today.
New figures from the Existing Homes Alliance show that 62% of Scottish homes are “unhealthily cold”. The public services union works with the EHA, Energy Action Scotland, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland and others in calling for a Warm Homes Act.
UNISON’s 2016Read more…
#Budget2016: TUC reaction roundup
The Chancellor, George Osborne delivered the 2016 budget yesterday, here is a quick round up of reactions from our TUC bloggers: Public Service cuts £3.5bn worth of cuts to public services by 2020. The spending cuts will be identified through an ‘efficiency review’. Cuts and increased pressures on…Read more…
#AskClimateQ online debate #Holyrood2016 18 April
Ask the climate question – Stop Climate Chaos Scotland’s online debate with political parties
Monday 18th April 2016, 7pm – 8.30pm
With elections in Scotland this May, use your voice to call on political parties to turn climate ambition into climate action.
Join us online from anywhere in Scotland on Monday 18th April at 7pm.
For many years now, all parties in the Scottish Parliament haveRead more…
Interested in a fairer food system? Bring your NGO 07/03 #PLENTY #ScotFoodCoalition
There’s a new coalition in Scotland working for a just transition
to a new food system.
UNISON is hosting a
workshop on Monday, 7 March, at which the Scottish Food Coalition will launch a new report, ‘PLENTY’. A few places remain for interested NGOs and networks across all
PLENTY: Food, Farming and
Health in a New Scotland describes a food system that is environmentallyRead more…
Ask Scotland’s party leaders to turn climate #AmbitionIntoAction
UNISON Scotland is supporting the new Stop Climate Chaos Scotland campaign calling on Scotland’s political leaders to turn ambition into action.
2016 is election year in Scotland. And that means our political parties need to tell voters what they intend to do if they are elected.
After the December 2015 climate agreement in Paris, what matters now, across the world, is what actually happens asRead more…
#COP21: How does education and research figure?
The Paris Agreement that was finalised on 12 December (pdf) has had a mixed reception. For some, it is an historic document that will keep global warming in check. For others, it will deliver too little too late. Without repeating all of the arguments …Read more…
Union voice: Looking ahead to 2016 in signing off my last TUC blog
As the government comes under increasing pressure after COP21 to reverse some £7 billion of cuts to the green economy, new data shows its emerging power: 233,000 employees in 96,510 businesses providing renewable energy and low carbon goods and services. The first report in a new official series…Read more…
Historic UN deal – union resolve is “stronger than ever” – ITUC
The UN has reached an important, maybe even historic, Agreement after an unprecedented diplomatic effort in Paris. Yet it’s ambition is clearly not enough to avoid dangerous climate change. This can only be seen as the end of the beginning of climate change action, nationally and globally….Read more…
#COP21: Call to Action to Defend Humanity and the Planet
Global human rights, trade union and civil society organisations final appeal to French Presidency and all governments at COP21 to show true leadership, by ensuring that the protection of rights, equality and ecosystems are restored at the core of the …Read more…
#COP21: Giving meaning to the four strands of climate justice
None of the four strands of climate justice – research, education, training and public awareness – have made the headlines at COP21, yet the conference “fringe” has been full of such debates. Whatever the final UN Agreement looks like, there will need to be an operational strategy that shifts…Read more…
#COP21: Unions call for ‘fair and ambitious Paris agreement’
Trade union delegates at the Paris COP21 joined with others today to protest about the threat to human rights. This includes the rights of indigenous peoples, gender equality, intergenerational equity, a just transition, food security and the integrity…Read more…
#COP21: UK austerity out of step with Paris climate talks
The French Presidency has finally got to grips with the UN climate negotiations, setting up a Paris Committee aiming to conclude all outstanding matters by 6pm on Thursday. All further negotiations will be closed and focused on brokering deals, includi…Read more…