Tell us about your experiences during the cost of living crisis – and help to shape our campaigning and bargaining
The article Take the UNISON equalities survey first appeared on the UNISON National site.
All the union news that's fit to blog...
Tell us about your experiences during the cost of living crisis – and help to shape our campaigning and bargaining
The article Take the UNISON equalities survey first appeared on the UNISON National site.
Tell us about your experiences during the cost of living crisis – and help to shape our campaigning and bargaining
The article Take the UNISON equalities survey first appeared on the UNISON National site.
‘The fact that abortion is still a criminal offence in this country has to change’
The article Conference restates UNISON’s campaign for abortion rights first appeared on the UNISON National site.
Currently at 15%, the gender gap still needs to be bridged, women’s conference is told
The article Women’s equality at risk of being put back 25 years by the pandemic first appeared on the UNISON National site.
A leaked opinion from the US supreme court has suggested that abortion there could be severely limited. Anne McVicker, chair of national women’s committee, and Liz Wheatley, chair of the…Read more…
While national strategies are essential in reducing health inequalities, we need to emphasise local action. This week the Scottish Government statistics division published its long-term…Read more…
To UNISON and our predecessor unions Desmond Tutu was and is an inspiration
The article Archbishop Desmond Tutu first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
For Trans Awareness Week this year, let’s meet some UNISON members and find out what makes them proud of their union
The article Our trans members, proud to be in – and out in – UNISON first…Read more…
As part of Black History Month, Mary Folashade Onafalujo shares her personal journey, from arriving in the UK to being a national officer at UNISON
The article Blog: What doesn’t kill you, makes you…Read more…
World Menopause Day is a reminder that the menopause is a workplace issue, says Christina McAnea
The article Blog: Why we should all take the menopause seriously first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
June is Pride month. Though not many of us are in central London to see it, the UNISON Centre is rainbow-lit in celebration. It’s a time for joy. LGBT+ people and communities face layers of…Read more…
The union will work with the TUC to address the discredited report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, which downplays structural and institutional racism
The article UNISON to help…Read more…
This Saturday, 27 February, the TUC and trade unions will be holding an online conference, From COVID-19 to #BlackLivesMatter – Fighting for an Anti-Racist Workplace. The conference will hear from…Read more…
UNISON says the government’s response to the Gender Recognition Act consultation is a missed opportunity and has, once again, let down the trans community
The article ‘All they’ve done is ignite a…Read more…
Unite assistant general secretary Diana Holland spoke passionately at Congress today (September 14) in a debate about the unequal impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on ethnic minorities, working…Read more…
Shadow minister for disabled people endorses UNISON’s equality work
The article Gaining support for disability equality first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Eileen Best, of UNISON’s national LGBT+ committee, talks of the pandemic’s massive impact on mental wellbeing
The article Blog: LGBT+, COVID-19 and mental health first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
Tell us about your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic – and join the prize draw for shopping vouchers
The article UNISON Equality Survey 2020 – tell us about your experiences during the…Read more…
The evidence of COVID-19’s devastating impact on Black workers should shock us all
The article Blog: The inequality of the pandemic first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Higher-risk job roles must be examined
The article Action needed to address higher coronavirus death rates for Black people first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…