Unite has branded Tory plans to boost early years care services “ironic” given the party has spent years running them down. Tory MP Andrea Leadsom, who has been appointed chair of a new…Read more…
‘Swingeing’ Staffordshire cuts
Services for safeguarding vulnerable children and for those suffering from domestic abuse are under serious threat due to the continuing swingeing cuts by Tory-controlled Staffordshire county…Read more…
Honouring Mary Seacole
Amid the Windrush immigration scandal, it’s never been more important to celebrate our Commonwealth brothers and sisters and their present and historic contributions. Mary Seacole, a…Read more…
‘Children are the future’
Unite welcomed a new pledge from the Labour Party announced this week (April 19) that would establish an additional mandated health visit for babies 3-4 months – a time that experts say is critical…Read more…
‘Burning injustice’
The government’s green paper on transforming children and young people’s mental health provision in England lacks the boldness and scope needed to address the ‘burning injustice’ of young people’s…Read more…
‘Cost-cutting agenda’
Services to families and children in Somerset will be hit if the Tory-controlled county council takes these activities back in-house and then imposes cuts to a vibrant service, Unite has warned….Read more…
Read all about it!
As we begin a new year, UNITElive takes a look back at what you were reading last year. Below are the 10 most popular UNITElive stories of 2017 in reverse order. Thanks for reading! 10….Read more…
Empty promises
Unite accused the government of making empty promises over increasing the number of health visitors after shock figures released by the Labour party on Tuesday (October 17) showed a major fall in…Read more…
Under threat
Joyce Still, health visitor and Unite delegate spoke on behalf of Unite on the health and social care debate at conference on Tuesday (September 26). Health visitors have a key role, along…Read more…
Invest in public health call
Highlighting the importance of health visiting and school nursing, Unite delegate and health visitor Joyce Still today (September 11) spoke in support of motion 60 on investment in the future. …Read more…
Grant leads health visitors
Unite has warmly welcomed the appointment of broadcaster and presenter Carrie Grant as the new President of the Community Practitioners’ and Health Visitors’ Association (CPHVA). The CPHVA is…Read more…
‘Swingeing’ cuts
Families with children and babies in Shropshire face swingeing cuts to health visiting services, Unite has warned. Unite said that proposals could see the number of specialist community nurse…Read more…
Only point of contact
Health visitors play a vital role in identifying domestic slavery victims, a community nursing organisation has said. The Institute for Health Visiting (IHV) said health visitors may be the…Read more…
Ringfence the budget
Prospective parliamentary candidates (PPCs) in June’s general election will be invited to see the work community nurses do on a daily basis as part of the campaign to make the case for ‘public…Read more…
Protect public health call
Health visitors and school nurses are holding a campaign meeting in the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday (April 26) to hammer out a checklist for prospective parliamentary candidates (PPCs), which…Read more…
‘Enough is enough’
Unite members joined campaigners from Yorkshire and beyond as they collectively took to the streets in Leeds on Saturday (April 1) in defence of the NHS. With a turnout reportedly exceeding…Read more…
Unite says no to nurse cuts
Standing in support of families with babies and young children, the local York community joined Unite members in a demonstration yesterday (March 30) against proposals by the city council to axe…Read more…
The health visitor vanishes?
After the government launched a concerted drive to recruit more health visitors – whose numbers had over the years become dangerously low – a disaster was averted, as targets set in 2011 to train…Read more…
Out of the mouths of babes
Croydon NHS is being forced to take the milk out of babies’ mouths in an attempt to save £30m this financial year. According to Croydon Council Commission Group it spends £395,000 per year on…Read more…
Community nurses’ jobs slash shocker
Demonstrators will gather outside the East Yorkshire headquarters of the Humber NHS Foundation Trust tomorrow (February 1), to protest against plans to slash health visitors and school nurses by 25…Read more…