The university drops its plan after magnificent branch campaign, including 100% backing for industrial action
The article Leicester University security team wins battle against cut to hours and pay…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
The university drops its plan after magnificent branch campaign, including 100% backing for industrial action
The article Leicester University security team wins battle against cut to hours and pay…Read more…
University of Bradford climbs down on redundancy numbers the week after four-day strike
The article UNISON declares victory in Bradford redundancy row first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
University of Leicester security workers’ petition attracts nearly 1,000 signatures in days – why not add your support?
The article Public shows support for university workers facing pay cut first…Read more…
Members vote for action – but turnout fails to meet Trade Union Act threshold
The article Higher education ballot result first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Ballot papers must be received before 25 October 2018
The article Higher education members urged make voices heard in strike ballot first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Nominations open on 8 October for vacant south west female seat
The article Higher eduction service group executive by-election first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Workers were set to lose hours and pay, but campaigning has seen the employer move to bring the team back in house
The article Goldsmiths cleaners celebrate winning a return in house first appeared…Read more…
UNISON is calling for members to back strike action, as some employers attempt to impose the below-inflation offer
The article UNISON is sending out HE ballot papers and calling for yes to strike…Read more…
There was no lying on sun-loungers for UNISON or many of our members involved in key struggles at work
The article August: it was no holiday first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
National pay offer rejected by two thirds of members in recent consultation
The article Higher education members to be balloted on strike action first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Current staff to keep final salary pensions after strong campaign against proposals to change them – though scheme will be closed to new non-academic staff from 2019
The article Southampton…Read more…
2%/£425 offer ‘falls short’ of joint unions’ pay claim
The article UNISON recommends that HE members reject employers’ pay offer first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Service group executive meets on 23 May to consider offer of 2% or £425 a year
The article Higher ed employers make final offer first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
UNISON welcomes ‘urgently needed first step’ but says more must be done to tackle pay inequality
The article University of Bath agrees to reinstate living wage first appeared on the UNISON National…Read more…
Meeting follows offer of 1.7%, or £325 a year, made in talks on 13 April
The article HE unions and employers to meet again in May to talk about pay first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Higher education service group executive calls off industrial action ballot following vote
The article Universities members vote to accept proposals on USS pension scheme first appeared on the…Read more…
Although no offer has been tabled, UNISON described the discussions as “constructive” and all parties have said they intend to make progress across all elements of the claim at the next meeting.
The…Read more…
Industrial action ballot follows 91% rejection of proposed move to ‘defined contribution’ scheme in consultation of affected members
The article University members asked to strike to defend USS…Read more…
It’s only got 28 days but UNISON made every one of February’s count – here’s our regular round up of just a few of the things the union achieved over the last month
The article Packing a punch, in…Read more…
Union urges them to back call to involve ACAS in seeking solution on Universities Superannuation Scheme
The article UNISON writes to vice chancellors over university pensions dispute first appeared…Read more…