I was really pleased to receive this email this evening even if I think that some of the information is unfortunately inaccurate, it is a welcome start to uniting the Party, doing the right thing and will indeed hopefully help deliver a successful camp…Read more…
‘Groundbreaking’ legal win
Unite is celebrating a groundbreaking legal victory today (December 13) after an employment appeal tribunal ordered that the engineering firm Kostal pays over £420,000 in compensation for trying to…Read more…
West Midands Personal Injury Claims Oct and Nov 2017
During October 2017 members in the West Midlands Region received £96,959 in compensation payments for Personal Injury Claims. For November 2017 the figure was £542,438. A rather quiet period for members of our branch but it still always pays to … Continue reading →Read more…
Blacklisting day of action
Members of Unite working in the construction industry will be lobbying Parliament tomorrow (November 6) as part of a nationwide day of action, in the ongoing campaign for justice for blacklisted…Read more…
Legal ‘knockout’ blow
A bogus self-employment case supported by Unite, which could set a legally binding precedent for tribunals across the UK, gets underway today (December 5) at the employment appeal tribunal in London….Read more…
Blacklisting justice fight
Unite has issued high court proceedings to bring the ‘controlling minds’ behind the systematic blacklisting of workers to justice and force them to give evidence in court for the first time. …Read more…
‘Vital’ case
A key case on trade union law starts today (November 14) into an appeal by Kostal UK Limited against an employment tribunal decision which ordered the firm to pay 56 Unite members more than £420,000…Read more…
Refunds for tribunal fees is welcome news
Responding to the government’s announcement that the first people eligible for employment tribunal fee refunds will be able to apply for them from today (Friday), UNISON head of legal services…Read more…
‘Not left high and dry’
Unite announced today (October 4) that it was launching legal action on behalf of over 1,800 Monarch airline workers who lost their jobs after the firm went in to administration earlier in the week….Read more…
September 2017 Branch Newsletter
The latest branch newsletter is now available. Featuring: Introducing Key Branch Officers TUC National Inspection Day 25 October 2017 Unison’s Landmark Legal Victory For All Workers A Call To Action For Black Members Of The Branch Workplace Representatives A First Time Delegate’s…Read more…
‘Strike busters’?
Unite announced it had launched legal action against the catalogue retailer, Argos and two employment agencies today (August 23) after it emerged the retailer was attempting to break a strike by…Read more…
What is ‘rolled up’ holiday pay?
Q: I’ve just started a new job at a warehouse via an agency. I’ve been told I’ll get ‘rolled up’ holiday pay. What does this mean? A: When employers (or agencies) refer to ‘rolled up’…Read more…
Unison Success Over Failure To Consult
Organisations should consult unions before making changes to contracts that will affect their members, the Court of Appeal has said, in a ruling that could have wide-ranging repercussions for employers. The ruling came in a case brought by public service … Continue reading →Read more…
Unison Succeeds in Court Case to Scrap Tribunal Fees
How Unison won the most significant judicial intervention in the history of British Employment Law. On Wednesday 26 July, a grey and rainy morning, UNISON members and staff gathered outside the Supreme Court in London, awaiting the outcome of a … Continue reading →Read more…
Tribunal fees win
In 2013 the Tory-led government attacked one of the UK’s most fundamental principles – the ability to pursue justice through the courts. Ministers introduced reforms that meant people looking…Read more…
‘Get your house in order’
Unite yesterday (July 31) called on employers to urgently get their ‘house in order’ over holiday pay after it secured a landmark legal victory meaning employers must now include voluntary overtime…Read more…
Employment tribunal fees: the story behind our success
How UNISON won the most significant judicial intervention in the history of British employment law
The article Employment tribunal fees: the story behind our success first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
When data wins in court
Sometimes data tells you an interesting story, sometimes it reveals hidden truths, and sometimes it wins you a four-year legal battle with the government
The article When data wins in court first…Read more…
UNISON in Court of Appeal victory over employers who fail to consult unions
UNISON has won a landmark court victory today (Friday) that makes it much harder for employers to ignore staff when making major changes in the workplace. The Court of Appeal ruling means that for…Read more…
Fight for the living
Friends and families who have lost loved ones to workplace fatalities are having to wait an agonising 3 years 4 months to secure justice , according to a Freedom of Information (FoI) request made by…Read more…