‘It’s almost the same as living on the street’

“I could open a farm there,” Vadim Sardov, 24, joked about the inside of his caravan window, where it was so mouldy that plants started to sprout. Sardov came to the UK from Kazakhstan last September on a British government visa scheme for farm workers. He worked at a packhouse in Essex for UK Salads, […]

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Migrant workers ripped off by employers on farms

Migrant agricultural workers who travelled thousands of miles to plug labour gaps on UK farms have faced unlawful wage deductions, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and VICE World News can reveal. Research by TBIJ and VICE World News, along with case work data from the Work Rights Centre, found that more than 20 people working […]

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Just transition for food workers call

At TUC Congress in Brighton on Wednesday (October 19), Unite called for a just transition for UK food industry workers impacted by efforts in the sector to reduce carbon emissions. Supporting composite three in favour of declaring a food emergency, Unite noted that last year Congress welcomed the government’s National Food Strategy. However Unite said […]

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