Retail arms of big six energy firms should be nationalised
The article Centrica jobs cuts are a ‘terrible blow’ but there’s a solution first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
Retail arms of big six energy firms should be nationalised
The article Centrica jobs cuts are a ‘terrible blow’ but there’s a solution first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Wide range of measures proposed will help further develop the campaigning work that helped to produce the general election result
The article Conference backs range of measures to build on general…Read more…
Scottish young members win organising award for work against bullying
The article Conference applauds winners of young members’ organising award first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Representatives of UNISON’s 1.3 million members will meet in Brighton next month to decide policies and priorities that will take the union forward
The article Hot topics for national delegate…Read more…
Conference reports; Education plan: Support staff role ignored; FE ballot and Pride report.
The union’s briefing on the Scottish Government Education Plan: says: “…the absence of any recognition of the wider education team is very disappointing. It also warns of plans to to remove schools from local democratic control. Please note: The print version of this issue referred to school staff as ‘Read more…
National delegate conference gets underway with discussion on how to tackle the poverty affecting millions across the UK
The article UNISON vows to tackle poverty across society and the deeply…Read more…
Wendy Nichols opens national delegate conference, reminding delegates that hard work has had a massive effect over the last year
The article President says it’s been tough, but we’ve…Read more…
UNISON and RMT general secretaries joing together at Brighton station to show support for striking Southern rail workers
The article Dave Prentis joins RMT picket line first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
“We need to put in place measures not just to stop this government but to grow and strengthen our union,” Dave Prentis tells executive meeting
The article The issues facing us have never been bigger…Read more…
#undc15 UNISON vowed to defend quality public services and the public sector workers, to defend trade union rights and to encourage a fair, inclusive and tolerant society, drawing together a cohesive political strategy in response to the Tories’ immediate onslaught and escalation of attacks on public services and society itself.
Moving an emergency motion on Friday, Jane Carolan, NEC, saidRead more…
UNISON will put equalities at the heart of its bargaining agenda and will campaign with the TUC and through Labour Link for facility time for equality reps. Conference recognised that austerity has rolled back equality successes and significantly increased workplace inequality.
Supporting the motion on Friday on behalf of the NEC, Scotland’s Davena Rankin said, “Maya Angelou once said: ‘It isRead more…
#unDC15 There is a massive housing crisis across the UK as a result of Government policies. Too little social housing is being built and apart from Scotland, those that are built are being sold off. In many places rents are unaffordable and the bedroom tax has created more poverty and homelessness.
Delegates backed a call for government and Labour councils to stop implementing the bedroom tax;Read more…
#uNDC15 Conference rose to applaud sacked SECC UNISON rep Robert O’Donnell as he was invited to address Conference. Another emotional standing ovation followed.
Conference then unanimously passed a motion calling for Glasgow City Council leadership to urgently meet with UNISON Glasgow City Branch officials to pro-actively discuss the situation at the SECC with a view to granting SECC fullRead more…
#uNDC15 Thanks to Scotland delegates who have raised £391 towards rebuilding health services in KobaneRead more…
#uNDC15 Conference showed just why social work and social care workers need UNISON as it backed a range
Kate Ramsden:
Social Workers’ contempt conviction overturned
of measures demanding safe staffing levels. The union will call on all the UK governments to review staff numbers and introduce regulations to force employers to report staff levels and vacancies annually.
It also raisedRead more…
#uNDC15 Thanks to the stewards who have been scanning us in and out all week, and a special thanks to the self proclaimed ‘Golden Girls’, Scotland’s own Barbara Fulton and Margaret Ferris.Read more…
#uNDC15 UNISON will up its fight for to keep public services public – publicly owned, democratically accountable and delivered by the public sector, busting the austerity myth and continuing to challenge outsourcing and privatisation.
Jane Carolan, NEC, explained that UNISON had put forward a vision of public services in its manifesto, asking politicians of all parties to support the policies. "Read more…
#uNDC15 The fast moving debate around devolution across the UK was high on the Conference agenda this year, with two motions and a lunchtime fringe.
Over 200 delegates packed the joint region fringe meeting on the topic on Wednesday, which looked at the different models for public services in the devolved administrations and the proposed city partnerships in England, and the implications forRead more…
#uNDC15 UNISON vowed to put pressure on UK, Indian and US governments to get justice for Bhopal, and to get the Indian Government to ensure adequate healthcare, employment opportunities and pensions for those affected.
It’s thirty years on from Bhopal, the Union Carbide industrial disaster, that caused 25,000 deaths and left 120,000 chronically ill. Thirty years on and it continues to maimRead more…
#uNDC15 UNISON will campaign to educate and improve understanding of violence against women as a gendered issue, providing guidance, sharing good practice and ensuring branches can represent all parties fairly and impartially.
Helen Duddy, Lanarkshire Health, said "It is devastating to hear in news reports almost daily about women being assaulted, beaten, raped and murdered. On average twoRead more…