‘It’s easy as journalists to feel a responsibility to people who are genuinely concerned, and seem to have found some “worrying evidence” that they want explored. The problem is that if you enter a…Read more…
Bristol NUJ 2019-10-23 11:54:36
NO STONE UNTURNED The story of two journalists who named suspects in the killing of six people. But the killers weren’t arrested – the journalists were. Watershed, 6.30pm, November 18, 2019…Read more…
NUJ calls on members to back Dutch photojournalists’ campaign 25/1 – 26/1/2019
The NUJ has expressed solidarity and support for the 456 photojournalists in the Netherlands who are taking strike action on Friday 25 January 2019. The Dutch union Nederlands Vereniging van…Read more…
EFJ survey of its communications effectiveness with regard to NUJ members
The EFJ (European Federation of Journalists) is carrying out a survey of the effectiveness of its communications with regard to NUJ members. As members of an NUJ branch, you are kindly asked to take…Read more…
CEC and NUJ Brussels at Southport DM2018 conference
During the NUJ DM2018 conference at Southport on Friday 21/04/2018, Cailin Mackenzie of CEC expressed anger at the fundamental human rights under threat. She said the union must work towards ensuring…Read more…
Use it … pay for it …
Or … don’t give away that photo. If you’re supplying an image for free, then someone else is paying for it. NUJ Brussels is backing the NUJ’s #Useitpayforit campaign to encourage amateurs to…Read more…
NUJ Brussels whistleblower protection meeting – Tues 25th April, 19.15
The Brussels branch of the National Union of Journalists (Britain & Ireland) is holding a special meeting on Tuesday 25th April – focusing on the challenge of whistleblower protection. As…Read more…
Is there ‘Life after Brexit’ for NUJ Brussels members?
Brussels, 21/01/2017. While Brexit is making headlines for journalists all round the world, few of those actually writing the headlines have had time to give consideration to their own likely status…Read more…
Life and injury insurance for journalists – developed by the IFJ
Brussels, 19/01/2017. The IFJ has just announced a new life and injury insurance policy for journalists, “Insurance for Journalists”, that offers a ‘no-nonsense’ broad spectrum of cover…Read more…
NUJ Brussels voting to support Turkish journalists
Last night at the December 2016 monthly meeting, NUJ Brussels voted to make a sizeable donation, namely €1,000, to support for the Turkish journalists. Some in the branch were a bit wary of donating…Read more…
Dealing with the press – new NUJ public-order video for police training
The NUJ Freelance Office has produced a new public-order video designed to help police officers understand their roles and responsibilities with regard to the press during public-order situations….Read more…
Twenty-first century local news – professional career or latter-day sweatshop?
The “draft” approach to local journalism in the UK has become easier with the rise of the “central subbing hub”, where in local-news offices up and down the country large numbers of…Read more…
On the 20-22 April the STUC Congress will be meeting in Ayr. The theme of this year’s Congress is Decent Work and Dignified Lives. In the run up to Congress this blog will host a series of…Read more…
CoE launches new online platform to record violations of journalists’ rights
The Council of Europe has launched a new online platform to record violations of journalists’ rights. Hosted on the Council’s website, the platform will help compile information on…Read more…
‘Stand up for Free Expression’ conference – Paris, 31st March 2015
‘Stand Up for Free Expression!’, a conference organised by the IFJ (International Federation of Journalists) and the SNJ (French Syndicat National des Journalistes), takes place in Paris…Read more…
Cyber security tips for journalists (The List)
Updated 04/05/2015. This page is an attempt to compile some of the online resources available to help journalists improve their cyber security. That journalists need to think about such matters is…Read more…
Cyber security tips for journalists
“Journalists face an increasing challenge to secure their communications in a digital world,” the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) warns. It has produced a list of Tips &…Read more…
RIPA – UK professionals issue call to protect communication privacy
19/01/2015. The Law Society, The Bar Council, The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) and National Union of Journalists (NUJ) have come together to express concern about current proposals in…Read more…
Charlie Hebdo – the view from NUJ Paris
Two days after the murderous attack at the offices of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo, (on Wednesday January 7,) a dignified ceremony took place involving representatives of international journalist…Read more…
Nous sommes Charlie: Journalists show solidarity in Paris
Visiting the site close to the Charlie Hebdo offices along with NUJ assistant general secretary Seamus Dooley, it was impossible not to be instantly moved by the mounting tributes and memorials to…Read more…