Our #Clarion indicative strike ballot is still open & a email reminder was sent out yesterday to fill out the ballot form #Clarion is obviously still keen by their unlawful and immoral decisions to increase the number of pensioners living in …Read more…
UNISON Greater London Housing Association Branch Executive Social (& putting our world to rights)
Great photo from last night’s meal in London Bridge for branch elected executive members to meet our new organiser, Karl and discuss disputes and issues across our sector. We had representatives from most of the G15 Housing Associations and had a…Read more…
St Andrews Golf Course must withdraw ‘fire and rehire’ pensions threat to workers, says UNISON
Clarion UNISON have sent solidarity messages to these members and will be in touch regarding our own pension “Fire & Rehire” vile threats. Hat tip CLarion UNISON Facebook page.”Scotland’s largest union is demanding that St Andrews Links…Read more…
Lies, threats and actual ACAS advice on “fire and rehire”
Clarion UNISON Facebook linkSo called “Social Mission landlord” Clarion Housing Association has bullied and threatened hundreds of its workers to accept losing their defined benefit pension schemes by telling them they will be sacked without compensat…Read more…
Martin Lewis: Aged 45-72? Can you boost the State Pension (or not – but worth looking at asap)
Hat tip to Martin Lewis, who is a little “cheesy” (as he admits) but seemingly “bang on the money” on this important issue. At the risk of seeming like being a pension obsessive, I have spent most of today trying to working out whether Gill and I have …Read more…
Labour’s Pension Plan will bring Relief & Happiness (1937 – and no fire and rehire or breaking of promises)
Hat tip @londonnurse2016 – UNISON will be contacting key stakeholders about Clarion Housing Group attempt to break its promises to them and their staff over pensions. If Clarion breaks promises made in the past then how can you work with them and trust…Read more…
UNISON urges pensions regulator to press for stronger data safety
Move comes after outsourcing firm Capita was hacked, affecting information entrusted to it by hundreds of pension schemes
The article UNISON urges pensions regulator to press for stronger data safety first appeared on the UNISON National site.
UNISON urges pensions regulator to press for stronger data safety
Move comes after outsourcing firm Capita was hacked, affecting information entrusted to it by hundreds of pension schemes
The article UNISON urges pensions regulator to press for stronger data safety first appeared on the UNISON National site.
Clarion UNISON Members to vote on action to save their Pensions & stop being fired.
On Friday this indicative strike ballot was sent to Clarion Housing Group UNISON Members being threatened illegally with either giving up their pensions or being fired (possibly even without being rehired). A full postal official ballot of all UN…Read more…
“Clarion Housing Group must raise pay and stop pension cuts to avoid strike action, says UNISON”
Yep. My “social mission” employer is cutting my pay by up to 8% and also planning to sack me after 30 years of service (and other UNISON members) in November, in order for them to break the pensions promises they made to staff (and local authorities). Watch this space.
UNISON Press release – more to follow. Please pass on. https://www.facebook.com/clarionunison
Staff working at Clarion Housing Group, including caretakers and sheltered housing wardens, have rejected a 5% pay offer, and their union UNISON, has urged the employer to think again.
UNISON says the current offer is essentially a pay cut, as it falls well short of inflation and that staff deserve more.
Clarion has also announced plans to cut the pensions of nearly 300 staff. The housing association has said it intends to close the defined benefit scheme, which means employees will be significantly worse off, adds the union.
Clarion is planning to close the pension scheme by using ‘fire and rehire’ tactics, says UNISON. The housing association is threatening to sack staff and re-employ them on new contracts and an inferior pension scheme. Staff have been told that anyone who refuses to accept the new contracts will lose their jobs, says UNISON.
UNISON London convenor and tenancy specialist at Clarion John Gray said: “Clarion has offered little or no justification for wrecking the pension futures of so many of their long-serving staff.
“Employees were promised their pensions were safe if they transferred into Clarion from the local authorities where they were originally employed. Housing association managers have now gone back on their word. This is completely unacceptable behaviour, and the employer must think again.”
UNISON London regional organiser Ezequiel Kramer said: “The fact that Clarion, the largest housing association in the country, is using this extreme practice to impose detrimental changes on staff pensions is disgraceful.
“This will affect staff moral and it shows the type of employer Clarion really is.”
Notes to editors:
– Staff are currently on a final salary pension scheme. With a defined benefit (DB) pension scheme, the amount paid out is based on how many years someone has been a member of a scheme and the salary they earned at the time they left that employer or retired.
– A consultative ballot conducted by UNISON over this year’s pay offer saw 92% of staff who voted reject the 5% offer, with 87% supporting strike action and 91% action short of strike action.
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.
Re-elected to UNISON National Executive Council (NEC) 2023-25
This morning the biannual UNISON NEC election results were announced and I was pleased that both Denise Thomas and I were elected (after a one term 2 year gap) representing (Community Service Group) all Housing Association and Charity UNISON members.&n…Read more…
Clarion Housing Group – June Pensions and Pay update – strike ballots over breaking #pension promises and poverty pay
Hat tip https://www.facebook.com/clarionunisonDear Member,On Thursday last week Clarion confirmed that they intend to go ahead and close the Clarion legacy defined benefit pension schemes (not the Standard Life stakeholder fund most staff are mem…Read more…
“Labour Pension Plan will bring Relief and Happiness” 1937
Hat tip @LondonNurse2015. I do not know what this Labour Pension Plan was in 1937. I am sure it was good at the time. Anyone know? What posters should there be about Labour Pension Promises for next general election. I have some views. Read more…
Trustee workshop: How can pension funds advance the ‘S’ in ESG and raise labour standards?
This year is the 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse disaster. Over 1100 workers died and many more injured. Register https://www.tuc.org.uk/events/trustee-workshop-how-can-pension-funds-advance-s-esg-and-raise-labour-st…Read more…
Get Help with School Uniform costs – UNISON “there-for-you” fund : supporting members when it gets tough
Tonight at our UNISON London Housing Associations Branch Executive meeting, we discussed a number of key issues facing members – possible/probable strike action over pay, breaking of pension promises and trade union victimisation & bullying by a ma…Read more…
Pensions update
I was doing a general update on pensions last week for a gathering of pension trustees. I have long been interested in pensions, even before becoming a pensioner! I was the joint secretary of the biggest pension scheme in Scotland, and I am curre…Read more…
Understanding Pensions: TUC Union Course
I can remember my first ever TUC pensions course held many, many moons ago at Congress House. Jonathan Jefferies has also been my tutor on other TUC courses. Next to pay, pensions are probably the most important of your terms and conditions …Read more…
Unite to fight pension age rises
The state pension age is already too high – it’s due to rise to 67 by 2028 and 68 by 2046. The government must rule out raising the state pension age further in the forthcoming Work and Pensions review. The state pension age is already too high and the government must clearly rule out plans […]
The post Unite to fight pension age rises appeared first on Unite Live.
10th anniversary collapse of Rana Plaza garment factory Bangladesh: 1100 dead
Webinar on Global Company–Trade Union Agreements: A proxy for regulatory compliance & due diligenceAs someone who has worked on and off in the borough for 30 years (I was there today) and been a trade union representative for most of this time…Read more…
“Trouble in Mill” Clarion Housing Group Pay and Pensions Disputes
1. Update on Pay dispute and ballotFollowing the rejection of the UNISON pay claim for 2023/24 and the imposition of pay cuts by Clarion (resulting in pay being cut in real terms by somewhere between 5 to 8.2% below inflation during the worse cos…Read more…