Workers ‘fighting hard to stand still’

Wage growth slowed according to the latest figures published today (January 16) but pay is still outpacing inflation. Average weekly wage growth, which excludes bonuses, slid to 6.6 per cent in three months to November from 7.3 per cent in the previous month, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported. But with inflation falling more […]

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Tesco profit forecast soars

Supermarket giant Tesco’s latest trading update was further proof of rampant profiteering in the sector, Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said. Tesco announced on Thursday (January 11) that its Christmas sales were higher than expected. It also revised upwards its profit forecast for the full year to £2.75bn, up from the previously forecast of the […]

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CEOs ‘rewarded for overseeing greedflation’

Unite slammed big business leaders for being rewarded for profiteering, after new data shows Britain’s biggest bosses’ pay has skyrocketed by 16 per cent in a single year. New research from the High Pay Centre (HPC), which tracks the pay of CEOs of the UK’s largest companies, found the median pay for a FTSE 100 […]

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Going hungry in the food factory

Even as production costs fall, staggeringly high inflation continues unabated, in large part driven by skyrocketing prices of the one thing everyone needs – food. Research by consumer group Which? found that in April, own-brand budget items at the UK’s largest supermarkets jumped by as much as 25 per cent in only a month, hitting […]

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Public ownership would end ‘energy profiteering scandal’

Taking public control of the UK’s energy network could reduce bills, reduce inflation, and pay for itself in a few years, reveals new research by Unite. Unite Investigates “Renationalising Energy – costs and savings considers how a publicly run energy network could use the massive profits of Britain’s energy giants to reduce household bills and […]

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UniteLive stories of the year – ‘Change starts in the workplace’

Every day over the Christmas period, UniteLive is running a different story from our top stories of 2023. Today, we look back at Unite general secretary Sharon Graham’s inspiring May Day message. – May 1st is an important date for trade unions. For us it marks International Workers Day. It is time to reflect on […]

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‘No end in sight’ to cost of living crisis

Inflation continues to stay at record highs, according to the latest figures, driven mainly by ongoing hikes in the price of food. The consumer prices index (CPI) measure of inflation fell marginally from 10.4 per cent in February to 10.1 per cent in March – a smaller drop than analysts expected, with some having predicted […]

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Real terms pay continues to plummet

The real value of workers’ pay keeps on nosediving, with the latest figures showing the fastest fall in real wages since 2009 as inflation continues to outpace wage rises. The latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published on Tuesday (April 18) showed that yearly growth in average pay stayed at 6.6 per […]

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‘Astonishing corporate greed’

The UK’s biggest supermarket Tesco continues its shameless profiteering spree, Unite said on Thursday (April 13) as the stock exchange published the retailer’s latest figures. Although Tesco’s profits were down from last year’s profits bonanza – which totalled a record-breaking £2bn in pre-tax profits – the supermarket still made an astonishing £3bn in profits over […]

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‘Profiteering epidemic’

Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey has finally acknowledged the role that rising prices is playing in soaring inflation — but Unite warned that Bailey is still failing to recognise the depth of the profiteering crisis. Last week, Bailey warned that businesses that set prices above inflation will risk embedding higher prices into the economy. […]

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Inflation – no end in sight

Commenting on the latest ONS inflation figures released on Wednesday (March 22), Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said, “Inflation is back on the rise and workers continue to be hammered by high prices. “Unite’s own research shows that it’s profits propelling inflation, while workers’ wages struggle to keep up. In 2021, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda […]

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Future Labour government must fix broken economy

Commenting on Labour leader Keir Starmer’s speech in Manchester, Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said, “Keir Starmer’s speech in Manchester today offered a vision of what a Labour government could mean for the British people after 13 years of Tory ‘sticking plaster politics’ serving vested interests. So Unite welcomes the promise of ‘a government on […]

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End supermarket profiteering call

A coalition of local campaigners and trade unionists will stage a protest outside Asda in Hull to highlight the deep injustice of residents in Hull going hungry while supermarkets like Asda engage in a grotesque display of unchecked profiteering. The protest will take place on Monday, February 6 from 12pm to 1pm at Hessle Road […]

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Cost of living crisis continues

Inflation continues to stay at record-breaking levels, according to the latest figures published by the Office for National Statistics today (January 18). Although headline inflation fell slightly for the second month in a row, from 14 per cent RPI in November to 13.4 per cent in December, food inflation continues to soar to a 40-year […]

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Why are so many voting for strike action?

In what some have called the ‘winter of discontent’, a wave of strike action is engulfing the UK right now amid an unprecedented cost of living crisis. Speaking to Sky News this week, Unite national lead officer Onay Kasab explained explains why tens of thousands of Unite members are taking a stand. Watch in the […]

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