Sending jobs to India is a bad idea that was squashed in other areas. Birmingham city council’s attack on staff must be halted
Now that earlier attempts to revolutionise the provision and funding of…Read more…
Lord Hutton has made scapegoats of public sector workers | Mark Serwotka
Hutton knows pensions are being cut not because they are unaffordable but because banks caused a public finance crisis
Lord Hutton, a former Labour minister, has been touring the TV studios…Read more…
United we must stand | Mark Serwotka
We cannot have a pick ‘n’ mix approach to opposition to the cuts – our future is at stake
The second half of 2010 has been marked by a fierce assault on public services from a government of…Read more…
Response: This is not kneejerk opposition. We just don’t want our members driven into poverty
It is right for our union to try to protect working conditions in the civil service
Your leader lays the blame for the previous government’s failed attempt to drastically cut civil service redundancy…Read more…