Unite has today (February 1) reacted to the Scottish Government’s budget criticising the continuation of cuts to public services. The budget falls at least £100m short of the gap identified by local…Read more…
Black workers are vital to the future of our public services, says UNISON general secretary
Speaking at UNISON’s annual Black Members Conference today (Friday) in Llandudno, general secretary Dave Prentis said: “Last the NHS celebrated its 70th anniversary, yet the descendants of those that…Read more…
An end to privatisation must be a year one priority for Labour
Opening the debate on privatisation at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool today (Tuesday), UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis
The article An end to privatisation must be a year one priority…Read more…
Public service staff at ‘tipping point’ over unpaid overtime and low pay, says UNISON
Public services support staff – including teaching assistants, hospital porters and police community support offers (PCSOs) – are doing more than 40 million hours of unpaid overtime a year*, says a…Read more…
Probation rescue plans will be disastrous
This is the last chance saloon for the probation service and rescue plans proposed by the MoJ just don’t cut the mustard.
The article Probation rescue plans will be disastrous first appeared on the…Read more…
Mismanagement by academy trust leaves vulnerable students and staff facing huge cuts
Large cuts are looming at the TBAP multi-academy trust, which runs schools in London, Essex, Cambridgeshire and the North West, following accusations of financial mismanagement.
The article…Read more…
Midlands college facing financial collapse refused to heed warnings
It’s a disgrace that financial troubles have escalated to this level.
The article Midlands college facing financial collapse refused to heed warnings first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Pay announcements are “robbing Peter to pay Paul”, says UNISON
Commenting on the announcements on public sector pay today (Tuesday), UNISON assistant general secretary Christina McAnea said: “Behind the good news headlines, the government is simply robbing Peter…Read more…
Tax cut for rich means billions lost to Exchequer
Cutting income tax for people earning more than £1m per year has deprived the Exchequer of more than £11.1bn over the past sixyears, according to new analysis by UNISON published today (Sunday). The…Read more…
Vital local services are collapsing say council staff in UNISON survey
Local government spending cuts have left councils across the UK unable to meet the needs of local communities and, in some cases, are putting the public at risk, says UNISON today (Monday). A survey,…Read more…
One million NHS staff across England to get a pay rise
Over a million hospital cleaners, nurses, security guards, physiotherapists, emergency call handlers, paramedics, midwives, radiographers and other NHS staff across England will now benefit from a…Read more…
Spring Statement leaves public services in a dark place, says UNISON
UNISON responds to the Chancellor’s Spring Statement
The article Spring Statement leaves public services in a dark place, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Time for a windfall tax on the PFI profiteers, says UNISON
The enormous profits being racked up by Private Finance Initiative (PFI) companies should be subject to a new windfall tax, so much-needed resources can be put back into the UK’s cash-strapped public…Read more…
Government pay policies are pushing children into poverty, says TUC
“Poor pay has left many public sector families desperately watching the pennies,” comments UNISON
The article Government pay policies are pushing children into poverty, says TUC first appeared on…Read more…
UNISON calls for a new set of principles for public service contracts
UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis has written to the Minister for the Cabinet Office calling for a new public service ethos to underpin the delivery of services
The article UNISON calls for a…Read more…
NAO report is a scathing indictment of PFI, says UNISON
The National Audit Office (NAO) report on the public finance initiative provides a scathing indictment of PFI and PF2, and confirms many of the fears UNISON has been raising for more than 20 years,…Read more…
Carillion’s collapse is terrible for staff and the taxpayer, says UNISON
The government needs to safeguard services and protect staff
The article Carillion’s collapse is terrible for staff and the taxpayer, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
LGA survey shows social workers are struggling to cope
The government must give councils the cash they need to recruit more child protection staff and keep all children safe
The article LGA survey shows social workers are struggling to cope first…Read more…
Rising housing costs forcing public service workers out of London
I missed the launch of this excellent report by UNISON last month. This is not just a crisis facing London but in high cost housing areas throughout the UK. I used the report for this motion and speech to the London Labour conference.
“UNISON la…Read more…
Health unions react to NHS workforce strategy draft plans
Health unions are today (Wednesday) renewing their call for a coherent strategy to improve recruitment and retention, equality and diversity, workloads, well-being and career prospects as the…Read more…