Hat tip Labour history website & twitter feed “On this Day” OTD in 1965. Redundancy Payments Act. “Gives workers the right to receive financial sum should they lose a job”.
Great picture of Labour Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, with his famou…Read more…
Dispute registered over plans for Nottingham College redundancies
Official dispute registered after 385 staff, including some on term-time only contracts, told they are at risk – after the end of term
The article Dispute registered over plans for Nottingham…Read more…
Joint campaign secures protections for school workers
Support workers, teaching staff and leadership unions unite in campaign over threat of redundancies
The article Joint campaign secures protections for school workers first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
Strikes continue at Fujitsu
We had our third strike day today at Fujitsu Manchester, and two more have now been called for Wednesday and Thursday next week.
Check out our Unite @ Fujitsu web site for the latest news – and an “appeal for support” leaflet which includes how you ca…Read more…
Strikes called at Fujitsu Manchester
Unite has now issued the call for industrial action – action short of strike and the first three strike days, as part of our dispute over pay, pensions and job security. The first action starts on Monday, with the first strike on Tuesday 1st November.
…Read more…
Unite ballots Fujitsu Manchester over Pay, Pensions and Job Security
Unite’s industrial action ballot of members in my own workplace has now opened.
There’s an appeal for support leaflet, and you can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter.Read more…
‘Slap in the face’
Unite has called it a ‘slap in the face’ after a global engineering firm said it wanted to slash redundancy payments for staff who have helped the company continue to make big profits. In…Read more…
Unite Policy Conference 2016 – Wednesday’s business
I’ve already posted videos of Jeremy Corbyn’s speech and Sharon Graham’s presentation on the Unite Industrial Strategy – Work, Voice, Pay.
The liveliest debate of the day was around the aftermath of the EU referendum and what UNITE’s position on freed…Read more…
Redundancy pay result
A total of 88 workers employed by BetFred in Wigan, Greater Manchester, one of the biggest high street bookmakers, will receive a share of £469,000 after Unite challenged the company when it denied…Read more…
UNISON mounts campaign to save jobs at academies in Essex
140 jobs under threat at six schools in Harlow will put ‘the quality of children’s education at risk’ warns union
The article UNISON mounts campaign to save jobs at academies in Essex first appeared…Read more…
Charity trustees need to be transparent, community conference declares
UNISON calls for protection for members and transparency from trustees in the wake of high-profile charity collapses
The article Charity trustees need to be transparent, community conference…Read more…
UNISON lobbying Scottish Parliament for fair funding for local services
Scotland’s largest trade union will lobby the Scottish Parliament on budget day (1pm, Wednesday 24 February 2016) to call for a fair funding settlement for local services.Local government has taken the brunt of cuts in Scotland. Scottish Government funding is down by 0.8%. Yet funding for local government is down by 4.5%. This is a £500m cut from local services this year. The cumulative costRead more…
How the ‘public sector exit cap’ could hit those who serve their communities
This government is trying to have its cuts whilst avoiding the consequences. The very least that ministers should be willing to do is pay those they’re booting out of work the redundancy money…Read more…
Government plans to attack redundancy agreements
The government is launching a new attack on redundancy terms, which could affect workers with a long-service record
The article Government plans to attack redundancy agreements first appeared on the…Read more…
UNITE GPM&IT National Industrial Sector Committee, January 2016
The committee, which covers the Graphical, Paper, Media & IT industries, met on Thursday and Friday. This is a summary of some key points. I’ve not included most of the industrial detail in my report because it isn’t appropriate to post publicly. For jargon, see here.
NISC members were very…Read more…
Checking for discrimination in selection
There are many situations, from recruitment to promotion to redundancies, where employers make selections between people. You often hear people talking about the importance of doing “Equality Impact Assessments” and checking for discrimination, but I’v…Read more…
Probation members prepare for action ballot in Sodexo companies
UNISON probation members working for six community rehabilitation companies owned by Sodexo could be balloted on industrial action over the company’s voluntary redundancy terms
The article Probation…Read more…
Prentis: redundancy cap will hit hundreds of thousands
“Proposed public-sector redundancy cap will affect hundreds of thousands of workers providing vital public services”, warns UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis
The article Prentis: redundancy cap…Read more…
Crude caps on public servants’ redundancy payments are not value for money
Despite a settlement on redundancy terms agreed with the last Minister for the Cabinet Office, Matt Hancock’s Cabinet colleague, Francis Maude, which he described at the time as “for the longer term” the government seems intent to rush yet another change less than five years after the…Read more…
UNISON intervention ensures 27 jobs retained at Stornoway call-handling centre
Friday 13 February 2015
UNISON, the public-sector trade union, has helped to ensure the retention of 27 jobs at the Consumer Advice Direct (CAD) call-handling centre in Stornoway after members were issued with redundancy notices early in the New Year.
Flora Somerville, UNISON Branch Organiser, met recently with local politicians and senior management from Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) – whichRead more…