Shelagh Hirst, ATL president, places this issue under the spotlight at TUC Congress 2016. Excessive workloads, caused by the current educational system, are detrimental to the mental health and…Read more…
With so much to deal with in 2016, why debate a return to 1950s education?
So my first week as the new AMiE president – and the first of the new academic year – draws to an end. Glancing through the press this week, it’s clear that there will lots of to talk about over the…Read more…
If you don’t have time to read our new book on teacher workload, here’s a summary
By Nansi Ellis, Assistant general secretary (policy). It’s just how it goes: a new book comes out about teacher workload, and you’d love to read it but you haven’t got the time. So let me summarise…Read more…
There’s no point in marking for the sake of it
Simon Rigby is an ATL rep at Fred Longworth High School in Greater Manchester. I’ve got members of staff marking from the moment they get up on a Sunday until when they go to bed. These members have…Read more…
Lesson planning: The good, the bad and the ugly
Emma Parker is a newly qualified primary school teacher based in Durham and an ATL district secretary. As a supply teacher, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to lesson…Read more…
Many of the changes have been relatively small, but together they add up
Patricia Graham is a learning progress manager and ATL rep at Aston Academy in Sheffield. In my school the senior leadership team (SLT) has done a lot to address workload. At the end of last year,…Read more…
Make one change
Chris Baldwin is head of collaborative learning at William Allitt School in Derbyshire and an ATL rep. There’s so much that’s not cool at the moment in teaching. A lot in education revolves around…Read more…
Did Nick Gibb tell teachers to teach to the test?
By Anne Heavey, Education Policy Adviser at ATL. Last Monday ATL welcomed School’s Minister Nick Gibb to our annual conference. He agreed to take part in a question and answer session with Gerard…Read more…
Workload on the front line
By Ralph Surman, ATL policy officer. Workload and work life balance is a prominent issue of discussion among educational professionals. The government seems to have taken very little notice of their…Read more…
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time
The workload elephant has always been with us, but it just seems to keep growing, and it’s increasingly out of control. It’s time to stop. ATL’s It’s about time campaign is about helping the…Read more…
Ballot Papers now out- vote Dave Brinson #1
Ballot papers were dispatched on Wednesday, and have begun arriving on members’ doormats this morning. Please take a minute to fill in your ballot form, and return it: it’s YOUR union, make your…Read more…
Time for a national ‘Dignity at Work’ policy- with teeth ! End workplace bullying.
As every caseworker will tell you, many of our colleagues are treated appallingly in their workplace. It is sad to note that there are bullying managers in many schools (often themselves…Read more…
Who cares for the Caseworkers ?
Che Guevara said: “If you tremble with indignation at any injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.”
If you tremble with indignation at injustices on a regular basis, chances are you are an NUT…Read more…
Workload: Hunt lets the cat out of the bag !
Tackling teacher workload has been a major campaign for the NUT for some years. We identified the growing problem during the Blair/Brown era, and saw this explode during Michael Gove’s poisonous…Read more…
The workload is part of the job… isn’t it?
Abbie Hayden is a member of ATL Future. ATL Future have undertaken a survey of teachers new to the profession to ascertain the attractiveness of teaching and the results are powerful, shocking and…Read more…