27 October 2017
By Barry Camfield in Australia
The Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) is Australia’s oldest and largest blue-collar trade union, representing over 100,000 working men and women and…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
27 October 2017
By Barry Camfield in Australia
The Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) is Australia’s oldest and largest blue-collar trade union, representing over 100,000 working men and women and…Read more…
Today marks the centenary of the birth of Oliver Reginald – ‘OR’ –Tambo, the “quiet revolutionary” who led the African National Congress through the darkest days of apartheid, and laid the…Read more…
I’ve written before about the role of Trades Union Councils in promoting (or should that be
fomenting) working class and left political culture. Another example is taking place this weekend in…Read more…
John Medhurst’s new book is essential reading for anyone who (a) thinks of themselves as being progressive or on the left or (b) has something positive to say about Lenin or Trotsky. Actually,…Read more…
‘The Chancellor needs to stop snipping away at children’s education and properly invest in their future’
The article School support staff have borne the brunt of funding cuts first appeared on the…Read more…
John Medhurst’s new book is essential reading for anyone who (a) thinks of themselves as being progressive or on the left or (b) has something positive to say about Lenin or Trotsky. Actually,…Read more…
Picture college from Monday’s fish n chips fund raiser for the 2018 elections in East London Rugby Club sponsored by UNISON Labour Link and the CWU.
It was a really good night and apart from a couple of political speeches we had great food from a loca…Read more…
Unite has described the awarding of an ethical labour standard to leading blacklisting company Sir Robert McAlpine as ‘shocking and disgusting’. This week Sir Robert McAlpine became the first…Read more…
Around 300,000 with people long-term mental health problems are forced to leave work every year, a shocking new report has found. Unite welcomed the ‘Thriving at Work’ report, which…Read more…
New November strike announced if hospital doesn’t withdraw threat to impose 12-hour shifts
The article Devon and Exeter hospital porters plan new action first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
This scheme looks like another dangerous experiment
The article UNISON comments on the NHS ‘rent a room’ scheme first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Yorkshire council becomes the largest local authority to sign UNISON’s charter
The article Sheffield signs up to the Ethical Care Charter first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
I will be sorry to miss this event (at the new venue) but tomorrow is West Ham GC!
Shame, a really interesting topic. Hope someone mentions UNISON Ethical Care Charter. Which hopefully Newham Council will be considering signing soon. Read more…
Today (October 25) Unite BAe reps from all over the country came to Parliament to urge MPs to spend UK tax payers’ money on UK defence work. View and share our film below …Read more…
Unite has called on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to investigate the lack of welfare facilities being provided to housing maintenance workers in Birmingham, who are directed by their employer…Read more…
Bus drivers, working for First Manchester Ltd, are being paid nearly £5,000 a year less than colleagues at a depot just five miles away, Unite has revealed. The drivers, based at the Rusholme…Read more…
Three quarters of people want to see unpaid internships that last for more than four weeks banned, a new Social Mobility Commission survey reveals. Unite said the survey’s results…Read more…
New evidence of the good unions do has been published by the TUC in a series of reports. The reports by academics Alex Bryson and John Forth take account of the characteristics of the workplace, including size, industry and ownership, … Continue reading →Read more…
On Tuesday 24 October I attended with other Councillors, a memorial service held in my ward with family members, friends and Police colleagues of PC Nina Mackay who was stabbed to death near this spot 20 years ago.
It was a very dignified and well att…Read more…
Scottish Labour needs an authentic voice as its new Leader, that’s why I am supporting Richard Leonard.
Unless you have been hibernating, you will have noticed that the voters have moved on from…Read more…