This article appeared in the Labor Day issue of Democratic Left. In 1847, when Marx and Engels issued their ringing call for workers of all countries to unite, it fell on deaf ears. However, by the…Read more…
Dr Arieh Yaari, 1918-2005
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the passing of Dr Arieh Yaari — socialist, Zionist and fighter for peace. I first met Arieh in January 1981 when I arrived at Kibbutz Ein Dor as a new…Read more…
The problem with Bernie Sanders
The Bernie Sanders campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination is probably the most exciting development in US politics since the 1930s. And it’s not a coincidence that both the…Read more…
Organizing the unorganized
No one has any time. We all have too much to do. This is true for businessmen; it’s true for students; it’s true for activists like myself. Is your email inbox overflowing? Do you have…Read more…
West Bank: Police question union leader over LabourStart campaign
This article appears in the next issue of International Union Rights, the publication of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights. In early August 2014, the Workers Advice Center (WAC MAAN)…Read more…
Bernie Sanders and Michael Harrington: A second chance?
My first article ever for Salon. That’s my original title, and this is how my version of it opened: Current speculation about a possible Bernie Sanders challenge to Hillary Clinton in 2016 is…Read more…
Shock victory for the Left as Tories ousted
Tomorrow is election day here in Britain, and that headline is unlikely to grace the front page of any of our newspapers on the morning after. But it’s a real headline and it describes what…Read more…
The Putinisation of Israel
In a sense, not much changed in the Israeli elections of 2015, despite media reports of a “landslide” victory for incumbent Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The country is still almost equally…Read more…
Why Israel is losing the battle in the world’s trade unions
Text of my presentation at Limmud, University of Warwick, 29 December 2014 My name is Eric Lee and I’m speaking to you tonight on behalf of TULIP – Trade Unions Linking Israel and Palestine….Read more…
Combatting human trafficking – without the unions?
A version of this article appears today on Equal Times, a global news, opinion and campaign website about work, politics, the economy, development and the environment which is supported by the 175…Read more…
Solidarity with the Kurds – or NATO-bashing?
This article appears in the current issue of Solidarity. At the November 1st demonstration in Trafalgar Square in support of besieged Kobane, it struck me that the speakers — and more broadly,…Read more…
They shall not pass!
This is the speech I gave today in Trafalgar Square at the demonstration in support of Kobane — part of an international day of action. Comrades and friends, brothers and sisters, good…Read more…