I arrived in Philadelphia last night, just in time to catch Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. Though I have to confess that after the first four hours of…Read more…
Bernie Sanders: The primary is over, and now the real work begins
Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign was the largest mobilisation of the American Left in history. He won more than twenty states and over ten million votes. His vote total was more than…Read more…
Trade unions in the Middle East: Opening remarks at the Svensson Prize panel
Last week the International Trade Union Confederation released its annual Global Rights Index. The Index reviews the state of workers rights in 141 countries. “The Middle East and North Africa,” it…Read more…
The Arthur Svensson International Prize for Trade Union Rights – my speech in Oslo
It is a great honour to be here today and to receive the Arthur Svensson International Prize for Trade Union Rights on behalf of LabourStart. I want to thank the union Industri Energi for awarding…Read more…
For this activist, the battle of Berlin is over
I have just left the Global Convention of Democrats Abroad here in Berlin where I represented Senator Bernie Sanders. I was not a delegate, or elector, and hold no office in Democrats Abroad. But I…Read more…
The final solution on Sark
This article appears today in the Jewish Chronicle. One of the most shocking documents on display at Yad Vashem is a typed list prepared by Adolf Eichmann for the Wannsee conference held in January…Read more…
Online trade union campaigns: how should companies respond?
Part of a talk I gave a few weeks ago for the Ethical Trading Initiative in London.Read more…
Proud to be a Zionist
Jeremy Corbyn’s brother recently made headlines by tweeting that “#Zionists cant cope with anyone supporting rights for #Palestine”. That the tweet took place in the context of a heated discussion…Read more…
After Wisconsin, can Sanders still win?
This article appears in today’s edition of the Morning Star. Bernie Sanders’ victory in the Wisconsin Democratic Primary this week is being spun by the mainstream media as “too little, too…Read more…
Haufenweise schwarze Schafe
This article appears in this week’s edition of Jungle World. Die britische Labour Party und ihr neuer Vorsitzender Jeremy Corbyn haben ein Problem mit dem Antisemitismus in den eigenen Reihen….Read more…
Now available on Amazon UK: Operation Basalt
Free delivery and 25% off – click here!Read more…
Trumbo: Stalinists as Victims
“Trumbo” is a the latest in a series of Hollywood films that looks back nostalgically at the McCarthy era, a time when the good guys were blacklisted writers accused of membership in the Communist…Read more…
The patriotic traitor
The title of Jonathan Lynn’s new play “The Patriotic Traitor” could refer to either of the play’s two protagonists. One, Marshall Philippe Pétain, betrayed France to the Germans in 1940,…Read more…
After just one primary, Bernie Sanders is the most successful socialist politician in the US in 80 years
As someone who enjoys political history and playing around with numbers, here are the vote totals for democratic socialist candidates for US president since 1900, when Eugene Debs first ran. In 1924,…Read more…
Global union target of disinformation campaign
This article appears in the current issue of Solidarity The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is not an organization that many of you will have heard of. Which is odd, considering that…Read more…
The Sanders Revolution
This article appears in the current issue of Solidarity. Sixty years ago, the Socialist Party ran its last presidential campaign in the United States. In its heyday, the party could capture upwards…Read more…
What’s wrong with Star Wars?
This article appears in this week’s issue of Solidarity. Socialists begin our understanding of culture with Marx’s oft-quoted comments about the ruling ideas of an age being the ideas of…Read more…
Will Bernie Sanders be America’s first socialist president?
Bernie Sanders is not the first socialist to run for President of the United States. He is not even the first socialist to do so with mass support. To understand the Sanders campaign, it is…Read more…
The mass psychology of Islamo-fascism
This article appears in today’s issue of Solidarity. Please feel free to post comments there. There can be little doubt that the murderous ideology of Islamic State is a form of fascism. In…Read more…
Building global labor solidarity – challenges and opportunities
This article appeared in the Labor Day issue of Democratic Left. In 1847, when Marx and Engels issued their ringing call for workers of all countries to unite, it fell on deaf ears. However, by the…Read more…