Unite National Officer for the Graphical Paper, Media and IT Sector and the Service sector Louisa Bull tells the European TUC that companies in AI have a business model that is based on the exploitation of its workers. Like any … Continue reading Read more…
Happy May Day!
By Barry Camfield In the face of a world in crisis, I thought I would write this little message of hope and encouragement to my good comrades in celebration of May Day. (Apologies for the homily!) “Workers of the world unite” … Continue reading Read more…
Giant German Union To Demand 32 Hour Working Week
The German trade union IG Metall (IGM), Europe’s largest trade union, will be demanding an 4 day, 32 working week without loss of pay ahead of the next collective bargaining round for the steel, metalworking and electrical industries due to … Continue reading Read more…
Review of A Glorious History – The History Of The Print & Papermkaing Unions Of The UK and Ireland.
By journalist and broadcaster Nicholas Jones. Probably no other industry can match printing and publishing for the strength and intensity of the collective action which has been exercised over several centuries as workers have had to organise themselves to adjust … Continue reading Read more…
A Glorious History: The Printing and Papermaking Trade Unions In The UK & Ireland
For the first time the story of print and paper workers’ struggle for rights and trade union freedoms is brought together in one illustrated volume. From the resources of the Printworkers’ Collection at the Marx Memorial Library and Workers’ School, … Continue reading Read more…
GCHQ & Trade Union Rights Campaigner Mike Grindley – A Humble Hero.
By Hugh Lanning Many seek prominence, others have it thrust upon them. Mike Grindley, who died aged 85 in hospital on New Year’s Day following a stroke, was definitely one of the latter. Humble and kind, Mike had been beavering … Continue reading Read more…
Venezuela Solidarity Campaign AGM
The VSC AGM took place on line on October 8th. Here is my welcoming speech as Chair of VSC. Welcome all to this 2022 Annual General Meeting and its pleasure to be the opening speaker for the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign … Continue reading Read more…
The Australian Jobs and Skills Summit – a union view
By Andrew Dettmar, President of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union The national employment and skills summit which took place in Canberra on 1/ 2 September, was a triumph of participation and leadership for new Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. And it was an overwhelmingly … Continue reading Read more…
By failing to stand with working people, Labour is taking an electorally risky stance
By Simon Fletcher Keir Starmer’s backtracking on nationalisation looks like an excess of caution, when he should be boldly reaping the benefits of Tory disarray. Last week was a watershed for Keir Starmer’s Labour, laying bare the limitations of Labour’s … Continue reading Read more…
Turkey’s left wing HDP Party prepares for election
I attended what could be the last Congress of the left HDP Party (The Peoples’ Democratic Party) before the Turkish election next year with Labour MP Lloyd Russell Moyle. Founded in 2012 the…Read more…
Protest At Your Own Peril
Book Review: Matt Foot & Morag Livingstone – Charged: how the police try to suppress protest By Adrian Weir The odious current Home Secretary, Priti Patel, is widely despised and derided…Read more…
Support Adrian Weir For Labour NPF In London
International unionism in a globalized economy by Ken Neumann
SEFTON WILLIAMS LECTURE Given by Ken Neumann, former Canadian National Director of the United Steelworkers (USW) It is truly an honour to be here, receiving the Sefton Williams award and presenting…Read more…
MESSAGE FROM SHARON GRAHAM: For Peace & Solidarity In Ukraine – Trade Union Appeal
Dear Colleagues, As the military aggression against an independent country unfolds at an alarming pace there is overwhelming support being expressed throughout Unite to support the people of Ukraine….Read more…
The Metaverse is workplace and a labour issue
By VALERIO DE STEFANO, ANTONIO ALOISI and NICOLA COUNTOURIS First published at https://socialeurope.eu on 1st February 2022 The Metaverse has been talked about only in terms of gee-whiz technologies…Read more…
Lula seeks to bring Left back to power in Brazil as Bolsonaro’s presidency crumbles
By Tim Young, Brazil Solidarity Initiative. As Brazil’s far-right President Jair Bolsonaro’s domestic and international status continues to decline sharply, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva…Read more…
Speech To International Workers Action / Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and All Anti-Racist & Anti-Imperialist Freedom Fighters.
Speech to International Workers Action / Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and All Anti-Racist and Anti-Imperialist Freedom Fighters. Webinar February 2nd I’m Tony Burke the former Assistant General Secretary of…Read more…
Speech at London Rally – Sheikh Jarrah Palestine January 22nd
Comrades and friends Tony Burke, Labour & Palestine and Unite I am here to express on behalf of Labour Palestine and Unite our solidarity with the Palestine and the people of Sheikh Jarrah. We…Read more…
Chile: Another Good-Sized Nail In Neoliberalism’s Coffin
The Chilean Presidential Election Explained. By Francisco Dominguez Men [and women] make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected…Read more…
Interview: TUC’s Frances O’Grady On Omicron, Furlough, Wages, Pay & Internationalism
This is a long read – but we are am sure that for many readers the issues under discussion are of sufficient interest to warrant the length. When I spoke this week to Frances O’Grady, the leader of…Read more…