The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) believes there is no Brexit that will benefit working people. In the circumstances, we welcome the European Union’s efforts to stop no-deal, guarantee…Read more…
UK-EU Brexit Agreement: “A Thin Deal” Says David Bailey
Blog by Professor David Bailey Birmingham Business School That a trade deal has been at been agreed at the last minute between the UK and EU comes as a huge relief for manufacturing sectors like…Read more…
TUC on EU-UK Brexit Deal “Its better than nothing, but not by much”.
TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said: “This deal is better than nothing, but not by much. It won’t protect jobs and puts hard-won workers’ rights on the line. As we come out of the pandemic,…Read more…
Unite on UK-EU Brexit Deal – Manufacturing.
Commenting on the UK – EU trade deal Unite said the UKs manufacturing workers will be relieved ‘but government must not claim job done Steve Turner, assistant general secretary said: “The…Read more…
KCK statement on the arrest of MP Leyla Güven
The arrest of Leyla Güvenexposes the reality of the Turkish State Tens of MPs and mayors, hundreds of leading HDP members and thousands of democratic politicians find themselves imprisoned in Turkey….Read more…
Urgent Appeal To Help War Graves Workers
Solidarity means helping each other out which is why your support for Unite members in industrial struggle is needed. Workers who maintain and care for our commonwealth war graves in France and…Read more…
Venezuela’s National Assembly Elections – A Landslide For PSUV
Venezuela’s National Assembly elections: an important victory for Chavismo Francisco Dominguez assesses the results of the vote. Venezuela’s free and fair elections to the National Assembly, held on…Read more…
Solidarity statement from the TUC to the AFL-CIO (US elections)
We stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers at the AFL-CIO, who have worked tirelessly during the USA’s 2020 elections to support the democratic rights of working people across the country,…Read more…
Workers Uniting Demands Justice For Orlando Gutierez
30th October 2020Workers Uniting sends condolences and solidarity to the Union Federation of Mineworkers of Bolivia (FSTMB) and the family of its leader, Orlando Gutiérrez, who died on October 28th…Read more…
Help Us Stop Holiday Hunger
By Julian Vaughan, Chair North East Bedfordshire Labour Party Like many of you, I was dismayed at the government’s decision not to back Labour’s proposal to extend the provision of free…Read more…
Len McCluskey tells Johnson “Stop playing politics with jobs and lives”
Responding to the prime minister’s statement today (Friday 16th October) that the country should ‘get ready’ for the prospect of no trade deal with the EU, Len McCluskey, General Secretary of Unite,…Read more…
Tony Abbott and the Aussie Car Industry
Andrew Dettmar President of the AMWU in Australia sent me this about the UK’s new ‘joint president of the Board of Trade’ former Aussie PM Tony Abbott – supposed trade…Read more…
Labour joins fight to build Royal Navy support ships in UK shipyards
By Amanda Campbell – first published on UNITELive August 28th, 2020 Following our story in UNITElive earlier this month on the campaign to build the Royal Naval Fleet Solid Support (FSS) ships…Read more…
When Boris met Tony…
When one ‘desperate’ PM appoints a ‘gaffe-prone’ ‘misogynist’ ex-PM to preside over the ‘new’ Board of Trade, the weird and unusual just got weirder, First published on UniteLive, Friday, August…Read more…
Call To Arms – Daily Mirror Article On CSEU Proposals To Bring Forward Spending Plans
Abdullah Öcalan: My Solution for Turkey, Syria, and the Kurds
By Abdullah Öcalan For over two decades, Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan has been held in the Turkish prison on İmralı Island. In this op-ed for Jacobin, he calls for a “democratic nation project”…Read more…
Why Boris Johnson’s Brexit trade deal is not so different to no deal
Businesses have been concentrating on COVID-19, not the UK’s impending exit from the EU. From Politics EU By Charlie Cooper August 8th As the days tick away to the end of the post-Brexit transition…Read more…
It’s The Media Stupid…Book Review
By Peta Steel The Media, the 2019 Election and The Aftermath Edited by Granville Williams Published by Campaign For Press And Broadcasting Freedom (North) £9.99 ‘It’s the Media, Stupid’ – The Media,…Read more…
TUC Organise 2020
Sign up now for loads of great on-line meetings…. more…
Why the UK needs a national Recovery Plan – Webinar
UK manufacturing must be at the heart of any strategy to #Recover and #Rebuild our economy. Join our live webinar debate with leading opinion formers across industry and politics…Read more…