Cyberunions Podcast Episode 88 We’re Back!!

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Where have we been?
What have we done?
Where are we now?
Walton is still in Glasgow and Stephen is *not* in Mexico
Our careers and what is keeping us busy


Labourstart or Laborstart for the non-british english speakers
UNI conference and the scope of the labor movement activism online


Free software and the movements
Libreplanet & CiviCON and how it relates
Place for movements to collaborate

Popular Tech

Looking at Snapchat and how it could relate to organizing precarious workers
Ideas of opening up the API and making it more secure


Thanking Derek Blackadder
South African accent is invading Stephen’s satire dependence in The Daily Show with Trevor Noah save the conversation for another timeRead more…

Scottish Green Party Conference

October is a busy month for political party conferences, starting this weekend in Glasgow with the Scottish Green Party. UNISON Scotland was there explaining the impact of austerity on public service workers and the services they deliver.UNISON Scotland’s new paper ‘Combating Austerity’ was popular with Scottish Green councillors struggling with the impact of austerity budgets. We partnered withRead more…

New Scotland in UNISON now online

Holyrood and councils can combat austerity; Show your colours for Climate, Justice and Jobs; Fight ‘draconian’ anti union bill; Refugees welcome here international special; Council staff accept pay deal; Edinburgh beats privatisation; Fire and Rescue ballot; Gas job losses; End police cuts; Libraries need more than fine words and much more in this issue. more…