Thames Water fiasco: gov’t asleep at the wheel

The financial turmoil that has engulfed Thames Water demonstrates that the government has been found asleep at the wheel yet again and that the UK’s regulatory regime is not fit for purpose, Unite has warned. Unite, which represents hundreds of workers at Thames Water, is committed to ensuring that the workers, as well as the […]

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Church of England clergy submit pay claim for first time in history

Church of England clergy, represented by Unite, have for the first time in their history submitted a formal pay claim, as their members struggle with the cost of living crisis. Unite, which represents over 2,000 clergy and lay officers in the Church of England, has submitted a claim for an increase in the stipend that […]

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Pay deal adds the fizz at Coca Cola

Supplies of the UK’s favourite soft drinks are safe this summer after Coca Cola finally agreed to share a greater proportion of its mammoth profits with workers at Europe’s biggest soft drinks plant. Crippling strikes were due to begin on Wednesday (June 13) but a breakthrough in negotiations means there’ll be no walk-outs this summer. […]

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UniteLive stories of the year – ‘From the ground up’

Every day over the Christmas period, UniteLive is running a different story from our top stories of 2023. Today we look back at a comment piece from Claire Peden, Unite organiser and team leader of Unite for a Workers’ Economy about their Feed the Weans campaign wins. — In September last year, hundreds of trade unionists […]

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Real terms pay continues to plummet

The real value of workers’ pay keeps on nosediving, with the latest figures showing the fastest fall in real wages since 2009 as inflation continues to outpace wage rises. The latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published on Tuesday (April 18) showed that yearly growth in average pay stayed at 6.6 per […]

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‘Profiteering epidemic’

Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey has finally acknowledged the role that rising prices is playing in soaring inflation — but Unite warned that Bailey is still failing to recognise the depth of the profiteering crisis. Last week, Bailey warned that businesses that set prices above inflation will risk embedding higher prices into the economy. […]

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University of Leeds strikes intensify

Pay strikes will hit the University of Leeds in February as a dispute over pay intensifies, Unite said today (February 1). The 200 non-teaching staff, members of Unite, have rejected an imposed pay deal set by the University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) that amounts to three per cent for most workers. With the real […]

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