‘We can’t afford to let the NHS sink’

Widespread public support for the latest Unite ambulance strikes was apparent from the start – as cars and lorries relentlessly honked their horns driving past a picket line in Chorley in the early hours of Monday morning, the taxi driver who dropped off your UniteLive correspondent likewise offered his solidarity. “I hope you guys win […]

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Inflation latest: workers face ‘bleak midwinter’

The rate of inflation easing only slightly according to the latest figures will be cold comfort for millions who are still struggling to make ends meet. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported on Wednesday (October 14) that the CPI rate of inflation fell from 11.1 per cent in October to 10.7 per cent last […]

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Unite GS blasts failure to rein in energy profiteers

Reacting to the Ofgem’s newly published price review on Wednesday (November 30) Unite has slammed the regulator’s failure to rein in rampant profiteering by energy distributors such as UK Power Networks. Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said, “Ofgem have utterly failed to protect the public from rapacious energy profiteers. This price review will allow distributors […]

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‘We need to build a movement, not a moment’

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham gave an inspiring speech at TUC conference on Wednesday (October 19), as she moved a motion on rebuilding industrial power. Below is Sharon’s speech in full. Friends, I bring with me solidarity from over 400 Unite picket lines that have lined the streets and cities throughout our nations — from […]

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‘If we want to win, we must be prepared to strike’

Unite delegate Ruth Hayes told TUC conference that industrial action was the key to tackling the cost of living crisis on Tuesday (October 18). Speaking in support of a composite on the current crisis, Ruth explained how it is “profits – not our wages – which are fuelling the cost of living crisis”. She highlighted […]

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