My pass to Labour Party Conference has arrived, travel, Covid vaccination pass and accommodation sorted out and I am busy checking out which fringes and debates to attend. I am not a delegate, so no early morning delegation meetings to attend nor…Read more…
“Can Scotland deliver a just transition to net zero” LAPFF fringe at SNP conference 21
This evening I took part in a panel discussion at a SNP conference virtual fringe hosted by the Smith Institute and supported by the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF).on “Just transition”. I took part in my capacity as a Joint Vice Chair…Read more…
Colombian worker perspectives from Cerrejón Coal mine – LAPFF webinar
Last week I chaired this webinar on behalf of the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF). While it can at times be tough being a trade union activist in this country it is nothing to the perils and physical dangers facing Colombian trade unions.&nb…Read more…
LAPFF Webinar Colombian worker perspectives from Cerrejón Coal mine
Next week I will chair this LAPFF (Local Authority Pension Fund Forum) webinar which is aimed at investors. If you wish to join please apply here
TUC Pension conference 2021: Day 1 Minister Guy Opperman MP & panel discussion on Just Transition
I joined the start of the virtual conference today. It was interesting to hear pension minister, Guy Opperman MP speak positively about defined benefit pension schemes. I wanted to ask him why then does the regulator appear to want to treat…Read more…
TUC Pensions Conference 2021: Fair pensions for all
The TUC pensions conference brings together representatives from trade unions and the pension sector to debate the latest policy issues.
The full programme and sign up can be found here:…Read more…
What does “Just Transition” mean in practice? We cannot deliver on climate change unless we have justice and fairness…?
Last Wednesday I attended the launch and first evidence session of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Local Government Pension Funds and its inquiry into ‘Responsible Investment for a Just Transition’. The meeting was chaired by Clive Be…Read more…
Gov’t must ‘up its game’ to support transition to electric cars
The government must urgently take action to support the development and purchasing of electric vehicles, as a major new poll finds the British public remains largely unconvinced about switching to…Read more…
Heathrow third runway at risk
Unite, which represents thousands of workers at Heathrow airport and throughout the airline industry, is urging the government to take immediate action to ensure that the planned construction of a…Read more…
Solidarity with the millions of school climate strikers & updates on #GreenUNISON Day
It’s today!
UNISON is sending solidarity to today’s school #climatestrike strikes, marches and rallies in Scotland – and around the world.
Check out the Scottish climate strikes on the Scottish Youth Climate Strike website.
Our branches across the UK have been organising #GreenUNISON Week actions this week and in Scotland it’s Green UNISON Day today.
Branches are holding green workplaceRead more…
Hybrid car demand falls
Government cuts to grants for green cars is putting the UK in the slow lane in the drive to alternatively fuelled vehicles, Unite warned today (July 4), as car registration figures showed demand has…Read more…
Defying the cold and looking to the future
UNISON started the new year in January as we mean to go on
The article Defying the cold and looking to the future first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Energy unions call for talks on just transition
UNISON, Unite, GMB and Prospect call for meeting with energy secretary after releasing template for a just transition to a low-carbon economy
The article Energy unions call for talks on just…Read more…
Just transition plan
Four unions with 200,000 members in the energy sector have produced a blueprint so workers and communities can be helped to adapt to the advent of the low carbon economy. Today (December 18),…Read more…
‘Just transition’ call
At least 290,000 jobs in the UK and Europe will be at risk by 2030 under carbon emission targets for new cars without a plan for a transition from combustible engines to electric vehicles, Unite has…Read more…
‘Token funding’
Unite described a £106m funding package for the research and development of zero-emission vehicles as ‘chicken feed.’ The funding, announced by prime minister Theresa May at the Zero Emission…Read more…
New Video: Stephen Smellie on #GreenUNISON Day 13 Sept
Deputy Convener, Stephen Smellie talks in this short video about the importance of #GreenUNISON Day branch action on #climatechange & green
workplaces, saying that we can all pull together to help stop global warming.
Every day there’s more news about the urgent need for action at all levels – local, national and international – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with this warning from theRead more…
New Video: Stephen Smellie on #GreenUNISON Day 13 Sept
Deputy Convener, Stephen Smellie talks in this short video about the importance of #GreenUNISON Day branch action on #climatechange & green
workplaces, saying that we can all pull together to help stop global warming.
Every day there’s more news about the urgent need for action at all levels – local, national and international – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with this warning from theRead more…
A green new deal
Speaking in support of a motion on a just transition for energy workers, Unite assistant general secretary Gail Cartmail warned of the challenges of climate change and the need for trade unions to…Read more…
Three things UNISON members can do about climate change today/this weekend! #ScotPfG
You may have
spotted some good news about climate action in yesterday’s Programme for
Government, including action on phasing out new fossil fuel cars, investment in
active travel, drink deposit schemes and low carbon infrastructure. (UNISON
briefing here).
We particularly
welcome news of the Just Transition Commission, although we still need to hear
the details of it and some otherRead more…