Act for our Future – help make new #ClimateChangeBill bigger and better

UNISON members are being urged
to help make Scotland’s new Climate Change Act as strong as possible.

With other members of Stop
Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS), we are disappointed that the Scottish
Government’s proposals for the new Bill are not ambitious enough.

The SCCS Act for our Future
campaign has an easy online E Action. You can click here to email First Minister Nicola SturgeonRead more…

Support @sccscot Mass Lobby of @ScotParl 29 Sept & call for climate action

UNISON Scotland is supporting the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland mass lobby of MSPs at the Scottish Parliament on 29 September. Full details from SCCS are below, including how to register for the limited number of places, and how to send support if you can’t attend.
And if you’re a member interested in action on climate change, do join our Green Network. At our September meeting, we will beRead more…

UNISON member interested in climate change? Green Network Meeting Sat 21 May

Calling all UNISON members interested in climate change!Come to our next Green Network meeting in Glasgow – this Saturday, 21 May.We have a guest speaker – Jim Densham from Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Come and find out the latest on tackling global warming and campaigning for a low carbon Scotland. 

Tell us what you think we should be doing and/or what you are doing where you are.And join inRead more…

Trade unions call for a low carbon Scotland

NOTE TO PICTURE DESKS: Photocall 12.30pm Monday. Details below.Embargo: 00:01 Monday 18 April Trade unions call for a low carbon Scotland Trade unions are today (Monday 18 April) calling for strong action on climate change, with policies to support workers affected in the switch to a low carbon economy.
On ‘Climate Day’, ahead of a Holyrood election online debate, trade unions say there must beRead more…

UN climate talks and cancellation of demonstrations in Paris – Support #ScotClimateMarch #COP21

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis today urged the highest possible turnout for marches in Edinburgh, London, Cardiff and Belfast next weekend, in solidarity with climate campaigners in Paris and around the world.
The International Trade Union Confederation  made the same call. Both were responding to the decision by the French authorities, following the terrorist attacks in Paris, to cancelRead more…

Some free bus places for Paris climate demo for members nominated by their branch

UNISON Scotland has a small number of free bus places for the Paris climate rally on 12 December. Please spread the word to interested members.

The Paris event follows key marches in Scotland on Saturday 28 November – the Climate March in Edinburgh, for Climate, Justice and Jobs, and the STUC’s annual St Andrew’s Day march against racism, with its theme this year of Refugees Welcome Here.Read more…