In recent years, new digital start-ups have changed the faces of whole industries. New entrants have risen to dominance in their sectors and previously major players have collapsed. The pace of…Read more…
Online joining in unions – current and best practice
In 2021, people expect good quality digital interactions with all companies and organisations. Unions are no exceptions – prospective members will expect to be able to easily and immediately…Read more…
Producing union digital conferences
As Covid-19 stopped mass gatherings in person this year, many unions had to make a choice whether to cancel their big conference events or to quickly rework long-running formats for a digital medium….Read more…
Delivering for “different” in 2021
This year’s been longer than usual and mostly awful, but it’s given us all some time to think. One of the things we’ve been reflecting on is the immediate future of work, whether the “new…Read more…
Improving your video call presence – a how to guide
Since the lockdown, video conferencing has become second nature for our team meetings and one to one calls. And more of us are giving presentations online…Read more…
Congress 2020: Our first online Congress
This has been the first year that Congress couldn’t take place in its usual physical format. We have learned a lot as part of taking as much as we could of our flagship event into a new online…Read more…
Recruiting hard-to-engage workers on digital during Covid-19
TUC Digital Lab case study with BFAWU Coronavirus is changing how people work and how unions organise. Face to face contact in every sector is being reduced due to social distancing measures, more…Read more…
Benchmarking our digital organising
How we adapt union organising to fit a digital-first world is a critical question for unions. Even before the pandemic we were seeing increasing organising challenges from fragmented workplaces and…Read more…
4 things we learned from running Organise 2020
The TUC hosted our first major online digital event, Organise 2020, on 9-11 July. It had originally been conceived as an offline organising summit…Read more…
Supporting union governance in digital transformation
Lots of us have had digital transformation thrust upon us by the coronavirus pandemic, having to switch up our time-honoured ways of working with little notice. Over the last few months, we have had…Read more…
Double-down on reps, not digital
By Eth Morgan & John Chadfield We’re two tech workers; a software engineer and a product manager. Our role over the years has been to develop and maintain the kind of digital apps and tools that…Read more…
10 digital organising sessions at #Organise2020
Organise 2020 is the TUC’s free online festival of ideas in union organising, taking place from 9-11 July 2020. And TUC Digital will be joining in too. Effective union organising has to include…Read more…
Benchmarking your union’s digital journey – TUC digital healthcheck 2020 edition
We’ve just released the latest version of our digital healthcheck tool, with the latest major release (version 3) seeing a significant revision. It has been more than two years since the last version…Read more…
Choosing the right video conferencing platforms for your union
Before the coronavirus crisis, video conferencing was something only a few people used regularly for work. With many more working from home now, it’s suddenly become their main connection with…Read more…
Responding to the coronavirus crisis – NEU case study
At the NEU, we have been developing our use of digital channels in our response to the coronavirus crisis. This has been a difficult time for our members, with schools mostly closed, new ways of…Read more…
Working remotely for trade unions
The coronavirus crisis and our response have caused huge changes for all of our society, but it also brings new ways of working. Unions are having to keep on doing the same things they’ve always done…Read more…
Answering big questions by starting small – Developing the WorkSmart prototype
The TUC’s WorkSmart project explores how unions could engage with young workers who have little awareness of us. Over the last two years we’ve developed an idea that could appeal to young workers….Read more…
Getting started with Service Design for unions
Service Design is a broad and diverse discipline which seeks to optimise an organisation’s services by focusing on aligning the experience people have of using them. It’s a way of working that’s…Read more…
Data and unions: TUC Digital Lab workshop report
To date, making decisions based on data to improve union experience has mostly been an aspiration, rather than the reality for most trade unions. There are some good examples of testing and…Read more…
How do you get your users to actually use your union digital project?
Digital change projects are only partly about making sure a new bit of technology works. Even the best specified new tech tools won’t be any use if people don’t agree to change their current…Read more…