Many thanks to my wonderful wife Gill for this photo collage birthday card. I cannot believe that I am now well and truly into my 60s!. I am sure that I am only 39 (again).I had to go to court this morning to find out what was happening to a tenant who…Read more…
Why join UNISON
(hat tip our number one recruiter Joseph and his standard email to potential members)”Hi Fellow WorkerFurther to our discussion, you can join UNISON online via the link below: up is very straight forward. On…Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 92: Alt ‘Rights’: What does labor look like in the age of Trump
Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update Section This is decidedly not Walton Matt coming in from Chicago Chicago teachers strike Site of Haymarket square, Mayday for the American listeners Is there a memorial for the workers in Haymarket square? Using new tech for this podcast connections planned to be free software Indiana became […]Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 92: Alt ‘Rights’: What does labor look like in the age of Trump
Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update Section This is decidedly not Walton Matt coming in from Chicago Chicago teachers strike Site of Haymarket square, Mayday for the American listeners Is there a memorial for the workers in Haymarket square? Using new tech for this podcast connections planned to be free software Indiana became […]Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 92: Alt ‘Rights’: What does labor look like in the age of Trump
Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update Section This is decidedly not Walton Matt coming in from Chicago Chicago teachers strike Site of Haymarket square, Mayday for the American listeners Is there a memorial for the workers in Haymarket square? Using new tech for this podcast connections planned to be free software Indiana became […]Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 92: Alt ‘Rights’: What does labor look in the age of Trump
Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update Section This is decidedly not Walton Matt coming in from Chicago Chicago teachers strike Site of Haymarket square, Mayday for the American listeners Is there…Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 92: Alt ‘Rights’: What does labor look like in the age of Trump
Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update Section This is decidedly not Walton Matt coming in from Chicago Chicago teachers strike Site of Haymarket square, Mayday for the American listeners Is there…Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 92: Alt ‘Rights’: What does labor look like in the age of Trump
Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update Section This is decidedly not Walton Matt coming in from Chicago Chicago teachers strike Site of Haymarket square, Mayday for the American listeners Is there a memorial for the workers in Haymarket square? Using new tech for this podcast connections planned to be free software Indiana became […]Read more…
European Parliament vote for CETA brings the battle for fair trade deals home
Today the European Parliament voted 458 in favour of the EU-Canada deal known as CETA with 254 votes against. This means that about 90% of the deal comes into force and paves the way for the deal to be sent to the UK parliament for approval. If the UK parliament agrees to CETA we will…
The…Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 91: Announcing the Punch a Nazi Challenge, Take that Ice Bucket!
Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update section Richard Spencer punch to the music of Born in the USA. Peoples Inauguration Friday night in Boston. Womens march Saturday in Boston over 175,000 people. Labor section ideas Framing the conditions. Davos — themes, new tech and rise of robots, globalization and retreat of globalization. Typically not […]Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 91: Announcing the Punch a Nazi Challenge, Take that Ice Bucket!
Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update section Richard Spencer punch to the music of Born in the USA. Peoples Inauguration Friday night in Boston. Womens march Saturday in Boston over 175,000 people. Labor section ideas Framing the conditions. Davos — themes, new tech and rise of robots, globalization and retreat of globalization. Typically not […]Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 91: Announcing the Punch a Nazi Challenge, Take that Ice Bucket!
Update section
* Richard Spencer punch to the music of Born in the USA.
* Peoples Inauguration Friday night in Boston.
* Womens march Saturday in Boston over 175,000 people.
Labor section ideas
* Framing the conditions.
* Davos — themes, new tech and rise of robots, globalization and retreat of globalization.
* Typically not supportive of right wing. They are realizing that the anti union perspective is bad for them.
* View of what to expect under trump.
* Refinery Town book review, about forming Progressive Alliance to win locally and building an alternative to the two parties.
Tech section
* Tech Solidaity meetings.
* Boston experience.
* ACLU: massachusetts membe Kade Crockford spoke and highlighted the importance of secure communication and informed peopel to use Signal. Emphasis on calling elected officials and getting them to hear us, we have a tendency to not take action. FBI can hack without a warrent and the concerns it puts forward. Tech for Liberty project.
* Local organizing to hold police accountable Seecops legislation. Lots of focus on local actions.
* National Domestic Workers Alliance: Spoke about the challenges the immigrant communities have faced and their need to begin to use better technology and communication but also shared knowing the fear many newly active people are seeing. Need to work on making sanctuary companies, in contracts and pushing company leaders. Need tech support with worker centers and working on expanding the security and privacy knowledge.
* MIRA (Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocates Coalition) spoke about the local push for supporting free legal assistance and municipal IDs for undocumented folks who cannot get state IDs.
* Labor Lawyer Spoke about the difficulty in organizing tech workers. Spoke about the ways in the US that companies use captive audience meetings to control thoughts on forming a union. But that now is the time to organize to protect our work but more importantly to protect the data that man…Read more…
Cyberunions Episode 91: Announcing the Punch a Nazi Challenge, Take that Ice Bucket!
Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update section Richard Spencer punch to the music of Born in the USA. Peoples Inauguration Friday night in Boston. Womens march Saturday in Boston over 175,000 people. Labor section ideas Framing the conditions. Davos — themes, new tech and rise of robots, globalization and retreat of globalization. Typically not […]Read more…
Tackling precarious work & addressing migration concerns
Last week I spoke at a conference organised by the TUC and Exeter University on ‘Confronting change: Globalization, Migration and Precarious Labour in the Age of Brexit.’ This is a summary of my speech. As conditions have become more insecure for workers since 2006 – a recent TUC report showed 1 in…Read more…
Chancellor should ensure more money for a fairer deal on migration
Yesterday the TUC released a report calling on the Chancellor to use the Autumn Financial Statement on Wednesday to significantly increase the amount going to a Migration Impacts Fund so that areas that have experienced industrial decline, cuts to services and significant recent increases in…Read more…
Belgium must vote no tomorrow to stop CETA
Tomorrow trade ministers from EU countries will meet in Luxembourg at the Foreign Affairs Council where they are due to decide whether to approve the EU-Canada trade deal known as CETA. The TUC and unions across the EU and Canada are calling for governments to oppose the deal. A ‘joint…Read more…
Tackling teacher shortages is not only about migration policy
The TUC has submitted evidence to the Migration Advisory Committee’s review of teacher shortages, highlighting that shortages that are currently being experienced in primary and secondary schools across the country require urgent action by the government. Migrant workers play an important role as…Read more…
Workers in Japan let down by Abe’s new spending plans
Last month Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe set jaws dropping by announcing a 28.1 trillion yen (£208.1 billion) stimulus package. The package is designed to jump start Japan’s economy that has been struggling with slow growth and see off the threat of deflation. The important feature of the…Read more…
Unions on the march & uniting across Europe, USA and Canada to say no to Market Economy Status for China
Today Unite, GMB and Community held a March of Steelmakers in London which brought steel workers from across the country to Westminster to demand the government ensure the responsible sale of Tata Steel’s UK assets and deliver a sustainable industrial strategy. A key cause of the crisis currently…Read more…
When Workers Unite
Great cartoon from USA Union General Electrics Workers union. If you want to know what trade unionism is all about, this says pretty much it all. Unity is strength. United we stand, divided we fall. Read more…