Major concerns about new Canada, US, Mexico trade deal for Canadian aluminium industry. From the @steelworkers in Quebec Canada, December 19th, 2019. Aluminum workers from the United Steelworkers…Read more…
Labour Will Be On The Side Of Workers – Laura Pidcock MP
By Laura Pidcock Shadow Secretary of State for Employment Rights “So many people’s working lives are dominated by low pay, insecurity and powerlessness. It is a sign of this broken system that many…Read more…
For A Europe With A Future – by Wolfgang Lemb
Excellent book edited by my comrade Wolfgang Lemb of the IG Metall trade union in Germany. Available on some book sellers sites. “One thing is increasingly obvious since the European Elections…Read more…
Len McCluskey At Trade Unions For Cuba Conference
2 November 2019 Good morning comrades and friends. I feel especially proud and privileged to be invited to speak here today. Here at this conference marking: the 60thanniversary of the Cuban…Read more…
Thirteen unions urge UK government to condemn Turkey’s invasion of Syria – and act to avert ethnic cleansing and potential genocide
Trade unions representing millions of UK workers and their communities have demanded that prime minister Boris Johnson deploy the UK’s influence to prevent a humanitarian disaster as a result of the…Read more…
UK auto makers prepare to shut down again fearing No Deal Brexit disruption
By Professor David Bailey, Professor of Business Economics at Birmingham Business School at University of Birmingham, Visiting Professor at Centre for Brexit Studies and Senior Fellow at UK in a…Read more…
IndustriALL Europe makes the case for collective bargaining in new campaign
The giant European trade union federation IndustriAll Europe, which covers 7m manufacturing, mining and energy workers has launched a campaign which aims to demonstrate the positive impact of…Read more…
UK Unions Warn: ‘This Is A No Deal Coup’
”The claim that the government is considering proroguing parliament in September in order to stop MPs debating Brexit is entirely false.’’ Government statement to the Observer newspaper.’…Read more…
Brazil Solidarity Initiative Statement : Bolsonaro & The Destruction Of The Amazon
We condemn Bolsonaro’s destructive plans for the Amazon, and the huge increase in illegal logging and mining since his inauguration. At the time of the rise of the far-right in Brazil, Bolsonaro’s…Read more…
Great cartoon from USA – 10 Reasons Why We Are Against Unions
Victory At ExxonMobil In Aussie After Two Year Picket
Oil and gas workers in Longford, Victoria, Australia, have dismantled their picket line after a mammouth 742 days, following an agreement ending a long-running dispute with ExxonMobil and its…Read more…
This Is What Democracy Looks Like Event
The Electoral Reform Society and Politics for the Many are launching a major conference on the 31st August in Manchester to inspire the next generation of trade union campaigners for a fuller…Read more…
Brexit: The WTO option would devastate jobs and tear up our rights
By Rosa Crawford First published by the TUC, May 16th Trading with the EU only on the WTO’s terms would have serious repercussions for the economy, public services and the Good Friday…Read more…
Politcal prisoner Adullah Ocalan meets his lawyers
The Turkish-imprisoned political prisoner and founder and leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Abdullah Ocalan, received a visit by his lawyers on May 2nd, for the first time since 2011, a…Read more…
No Coup or war in Venezuela
After last weeks Trump – Bolton backed coup attempt your help in supporting the Venezeula Solidarity Campaign it is more important than ever before Please donate to the VSC special appeal. As…Read more…
Mexico to recover bodies of miners killed in 2006 blast
Mock coffins, symbolising the 65 miners who died in an explosion at Grupo Mexico’s Pasta de Conchos coal mine, are displayed at the Angel of the Independence monument during a protest to mark…Read more…
USW Lock Out At Dow Deer Park, Texas
Here are details of the Dow Deer Park, TX Lock Out of the members of United Steelworkers Local 13-1 which is going on the 5th day. By Ben Lilienfeld, USW District 13 Sub-District Director. On…Read more…
Brazil’s right-wing regime runs scared of Lula’s popularity
We need sustained campaign to secure an immediate release of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva from prison Last year, on April 7th, former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was jailed for “indeterminate…Read more…
Keep Trump’s Hands Off Latin America
VSC E-UPDATE, MARCH 2019. ► Standing up to Trump and May’s interventions in – and hypocrisy on – Latin America ► 1. Help us get to 4,000 signatories our petition against…Read more…
Honda: Stay In The UK #SaveHondaSwindon
To: Honda president and CEO Takahiro Hachigo Please see this important message and petition from Honda workers in Swindon, whose jobs are at risk. They need your support. Sign the petition here We…Read more…