AN URGENT APPEAL TO THE GOVERNEMENT OF TURKEY AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY Abdullah Öcalan’s unlawful and inhumane isolation must be ended immediately. Otherwise hundreds of people who are on…Read more…
Len McCluskey On Channel 4 News
Speech at the VSC Emergancy Rally January 31st in London
Good evening and thanks for coming out on such a bitterly cold evening here in London. I am Tony Burke, Chair of the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign who called today’s event and I am also speaking on…Read more…
Speech at the VSC Emergancy Rally January 31st in London
Good evening and thanks for coming out on such a bitterly cold evening here in London. I am Tony Burke, Chair of the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign who called today’s event and I am also speaking on…Read more…
Workers Uniting Statement On Venezuela
We really, really want workers’ rights
A Comic Relief t-shirt made by Bangladeshi staff paid just 35p a hour has sparked calls for better protections for textile workers in the country. Following revelations that the t-shirts –…Read more…
Nation Grid-lock ends
US workers of the London-listed National Grid this week (January 7) voted to accept a new agreement hammered out by unions, ending a lockout that left the 1,250 gas workers without work or health…Read more…
Interview with Senator Napolean Gomez, President of Los Mineros Union in Mexico
Steelworkers & Machinists Organising At Tesla Plant
From Tesla workers are pushing to unionise South Buffalo plant As employees headed into work at the massive solar panel and roof manufacturing facility in south Buffalo, their fellow…Read more…
Trade Unions Are Winning Victories In Mexico
In a sign that things are changing for trade unions in Mexico following the election of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) the independent Mexican mining and metalworkers’ union Los Mineros…Read more…
Labour Must Hold Their Nerve And Vote Down May’s Bad Brexit Deal
“We can’t be bounced into a bad Brexit – the idea that the only choice is between this deal or no deal is preposterous and an insult to the country” says Unite’s Len McCluskey…Read more…
BREAKING: Unite Reps Briefing: Opposing Blindfold Brexit
Issued to Unite the Union workplace reps November 16th Unite Reps Briefing: Opposing Blindfold Brexit Unite the Union is calling on MPs to reject the Government’s Withdrawal Deal if it is put before…Read more…
Brazilian Presidential Election: Unions Say The The Fight Goes On!
Official note from the Unified Workers’ Central [CUT] note on the outcome of the 2018 elections in Brazil Posted: October 29, 2018 – 11h33 | Last modified: October 29, 2018 – 11:58…Read more…
Canada Must Investigate Labour and Environmental Violations Committed by Candian Companies In Mexico
Save Jobs At Cammell Lairds
Sign the petition to help save jobs in shipbuilding in the UK. Cammell Lairds has just won £619million’s worth of contracts to build the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) Ships, but in stead of…Read more…
The Tories Industrial Strategy is in tatters – we need a Labour Government to rebuild UK manufacturing.
The UK stands at the crossroads. The country faces the prospect of crashing out of the European Union inflicting untold damage on our manufacturing industries if we are faced with no customs union or…Read more…
Mexico’s President-Elect Prepares Labor Overhaul to Empower Workers
No more secret agreements between union bosses and employers, future labour minister says By Juan Montes, The Wall Street Journal, September 11th Mexican President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador…Read more…
No Deal Brexit Papers Exercise In Pantomime and Menace
By Ben Norman, Research Officer at Unite the Union And so, perhaps inevitably, it’s come to this. After almost two years of Brexit talks between the EU and Britain’s best interlocutors (plus David…Read more…
At Last! Mexican Union Leader Napoleon Gomez Is Heading Home
Japanese & UK union leaders call for Brexit to deliver for workers in the UK and Japan
27 July 2018 The TUC and RENGO (the Japanese Trade Union Confederation) have issued a joint statement highlighting the threat that a bad Brexit deal poses to workers, trade and investment. In the…Read more…